Joshua Revival Project--Mission & Vision
We have been entrusted with a message and a ministry to fully proclaim the Gospel through preaching and demonstration of power of the Holy Spirit (Mk 16:20; Jn 15:22-27; Ro 15:17-19; 1 Cor 4:20; II Co 6:4-7; I Th 1:5). We are called to re-establish foundational truth as set forth in Scripture to secure the move and blessing of the Holy Spirit. We model Biblical ministry that is dependent upon the revelation that comes by the Holy Spirit (Jn 3:11, 5:19-20; Ac 16:9-10; Ep 3:10) within the framework of Scripture.
We are sent to call emerging leaders forward to take their place in the Lord’s Army and what He intends to release through them in the Earth. Revival flows through those that are submitted to His plan for their lives. We are called to those that hear the voice of the Spirit and to train and disciple these leaders in the way of ministering by the Spirit. We minister wherever the Lord opens the door in His World. We do nothing on our own initiative (Jn 5:19 & 30).
Similar to Jesus who did what He saw His Father doing and spoke what He heard His Father saying (Jn 3:11), we follow the prompting of the Holy Spirit and strive to do His will and to see His will done in the Earth (Jn 4:34).
We go where He sends us and we speak what He tells us to speak. We have neither silver nor gold, but such as we have, we impart to those He has called by His Spirit (Acts 3:6). Freely we have received; freely we give (Mt 10:8).
The Holy Spirit has revealed a glimpse into how He views the current condition of His Church, particularly leadership, and the world in which it is positioned. In that regard, He had shown us His heart and His global intention with respect to certain nations, Church leadership and how He is set to proceed. The following summarizes what the Spirit has revealed to us over the past 20+ years.
•We hear the Lord saying, “I am coming to take back that which is mine” (Ex 9:29; Ps 24:1; I Cor 10:26), and commanding us to pray that Heaven invades Earth (Mt 6:10).
•We see the Lord warring against the nations, bringing judgment and shaking everything that can be shaken, while reaping a harvest of souls through a mighty revival. He will deal with rebellion in the Church (Is 29:13-16; Je 11:3-4) and in the nations (Ps 2:8, 9:19, 82:8; Je 25:31).
•We see the Lord raising leaders up that will take the position that He has made for them at the front lines of His army. They are those that will follow the prompting of the Holy Spirit and will allow Him to flow through them like a mighty river (Jn 7:38). They will move in the power of the Spirit and will establish the new front line of His army (Mt 20:1-16; Lk 9:46-48).
•We see that there are those that are currently on the front line of the Lord’s army that will be demoted because they do not listen to the Holy Spirit nor do they follow His promptings. Instead, they have arrayed themselves against the Lord and His Spirit. Until they learn to be dependent upon the Holy Spirit, rather than moving in the sin of presumption, they will be placed in secondary positions (Is 3:12-15; Je 23:1-2; Ez 34:1-2,4,10-16; Mt 7:21-23, 23:13-15, 25:14-30; Lk 19:11-27; Ja 4:6-7).
•We see the Holy Spirit breaking up His Church (its systems, leadership structure and how it has chosen to operate) and confronting leaders that have conspired to keep His Holy Spirit away from His flock. Their actions constitute nothing other than rebellion against the Holy Spirit. Church leaders that have strayed from submitting to the Holy Spirit, particularly with respect to the operation of His gifts, will be confronted and removed from leadership. He is tearing up the strategies, systems and the plans of men. The central issue for the Church in our day is that it embraces and submits to the leadership and authority of the Holy Spirit and that it learns to flow with Him. Following the Holy Spirit is the only way for the Church to take ground.
•We see a mighty outpouring of the Spirit of God coming to America, but not without judgment, which will certainly come as the Lord withdraws His hand of protection from this nation (Pr 21:15). The Lord intends to release multi-dimensional judgment on both the land and the water that will bring devastation (Le 26). A time of the Lord’s wrath and discipline is coming to America and His Church.
•We see a mighty outpouring of the Holy Spirit bringing revival to St. Louis, MO that will include manifestations of the Lord’s power.
•We see the Lord engaging in a battle with the leaders of the Russian Federation. The Lord has revealed that He will bring forth a powerful move of His Spirit that will cause the Christians in that country to be known for their purity, holiness and devotion to Christ.
•We see a mighty revival coming to Israel that will affect all of Europe.
Mark C. Biteler