Aligning With the Holy Spirit for Revival
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Aligning With the Holy Spirit for Revival

The Days of the Wrath of the Lord

by JRP Ministry Staff on 01/10/21

The Lord declares, “Shortly and in a little while I will release My wrath. I am turning My face toward Los Angeles and San Francisco for the darkness in these cities is deep and it is real. So, the judgment that I have spoken about will come not many days from now.”

“The shaking that I am bringing to the country will continue and will bring fear to the wicked. But it will also cause fear within the Church because their eyes are not upon Me, nor do they know Me and that I move in power. So, while I am moving in judgment, comfort My people. I will move in power among them and I will bring comfort.”

“I am moving My people from where they are to where I want them to be. Tell them I am shepherding them forward. Change, change! Great change! An upheaval is coming.” I then saw a rolling wave of judgment and change flowing from the West Coast to the East Coast, and then back again.

I then saw the Lord take hold of the West Coast and the East Coast with His hands and shake the nation similar to how a person would take hold of a game board and shake the game pieces from their place. In like manner, the Lord will shake this nation.

“You are in dangerous and perilous times, stay close to Me! Walk carefully with Me and do not let your foot slip, because it is a narrow path forward.”

I then saw the Lord wielding His sword across the country; there will be death in America. Great judgment and great wrath will be released upon the United States.

“I will speak to Donald Trump and I will reveal to him what he must do. He will move up and take the platform that I have prepared for him and he will do what I have called him to do. Everything that I have said concerning him will come to pass.”

“I will begin to confront the Congress as a whole and its individual members. I will confront them face to face and they will know that it is Me. For they have lost their fear of Me, but I am coming against them.” I then saw the Lord and His army moving against Congress, essentially surrounding Washington, D.C. I then heard the Lord say, “I will establish righteousness in Washington, D.C. I will establish righteousness in this government; I will do it.”

“Much will be revealed in the days to come for these are the days of the release of My wrath. As I have spoken in the past, so I say again now, woe to those who stand against Me in the days of My wrath.”

“Be diligent; hearken to My word and hearken to My Spirit. Stay in the place of peace. Do not wrangle with those who do not believe. I will deal with them Myself. Stay in the path that I have prescribed for you. These are the days of the wrath of the Lord.”

Mark C. Biteler

An Urgent Warning - War is Coming to America

by JRP Ministry Staff on 12/30/20

I released a new video tonight regarding three prophetic words I received concerning war coming to America.  The first was released on June 9, 2020 but I realized that I had not published a video for it.  That got rectified in this video that provided the opportunity to share what the Holy Spirit has revealed since June of this year.

Mark Biteler

Latest Videos & Podcasts from JRP

by JRP Ministry Staff on 12/27/20

I hope you and your family are enjoying the Christmas season and the presence of the Lord.  May we all endeavor to stay in the Lord's Glory in 2021.  Please find the video and podcast links to the latest below--

Judgment for San Francisco & Los Angeles: The Lord’s Strategy to Sever the Economic Chain Between the U.S. & China

by JRP Ministry Staff on 12/15/20

I have prophesied previously that the Lord will release judgment against San Francisco and Los Angeles.  Smoke and a stench will rise from these cities.  The destruction of these cities will bring a shift of shipping to the port of Vancouver, Canada that is currently the third largest tonnage shipping port in North America. 

I have also prophesied that the Lord intends to sever the economic chains that bind the United States and China.  The shift of shipping through Vancouver, Canada is part of His overall strategy.  It began with President Trump’s trade negotiations with China and the move to encourage American companies to move back to the United States.  The strained relations that resulted from the advent of Covid-19, a judgment from the Lord, and its ultimate spread to the U.S. and other nations (also judgment from the Lord), have only increased the pressure on the economic ties between both countries.

The judgment of the Lord that He has and will release upon San Francisco and Los Angeles, as well as the entire State of California is only the beginning.  He will march with judgment toward the East Coast.

Mark Biteler

The Lord Will Release a Terror in Western China

by JRP Ministry Staff on 12/15/20

In a vision I saw Heaven’s trumpets announcing the message, “Poverty!  Poverty!  Poverty!”  This is the Holy Spirit’s declaration for China. 

The Lord will release a terror in the western region of China.  It will cause the people to migrate east and drive many to Beijing.  Because of the threat and reality of poverty, they will bring what money they have and pour into Beijing.  Like a giant teapot, the Lord will lift Western China, and many will pour out of the spout, Beijing, seeking refuge elsewhere.

This will be part of strategy of how the Lord will strip that nation of its wealth.

Mark Biteler



Election 2020 - Seven Video Playlist

by JRP Ministry Staff on 12/15/20

Please follow this link to all of our videos related to the election:  Election 2020 Playlist

I maintain that President Trump will be re-elected.  President-elect Joe Biden is not in the White House yet; he may get close, but he won't get in.  This is what the Bible accounts point to that are included in this playlist.  

We don't need the media to dictate to us what will ultimately take place.  What we need to be listening to comes from the throne of God.

It doesn't matter what anyone has to say.  Deception and fraud will not stand.  This is the word of the Lord.

Mark Biteler

What Is Your Source for Truth?

by JRP Ministry Staff on 12/04/20

Contrary to popular opinion, there was no one in the Bible that relied on ANY news outlet for truth. Those whom the Lord called to be His mouthpiece listened to what came from His mouth, and then preached and did that.

If you want truth in the midst of the election storm, hear His voice. For those who have ears to hear, eyes to see and a heart to perceive what the Lord is saying and doing, you will have peace and you will preach with authority that comes from Him alone and never comes from the news.

Mark Biteler

Are You a Minister of the Gospel OR Are You Spewing, "Hath God Said?"

by JRP Ministry Staff on 12/04/20

Spending hours watching the news about the election? Discouraged by what you see and hear? It's a signal to stop watching and listening to the news and start seeking the Lord, study His word and asking Him what He is doing.
If you aren't squared away as to what the Lord is saying about the election, stop listening to the news. You might as well be listening to the Snake Podcast where he spews "Hath God said?" garbage 24/7. Either we are going to preach the good news about what Jesus has done, is doing and will do, or we will be ministers of Hell spreading fear, anxiety and panic.
If you aren't certain about what the Lord is doing, get certain! We are called to preach the truth with conviction that comes by revelation from the Lord in the midst of the storm! Want to know what that looks like? Read Acts 27, soak in it, study it and get it in your spirit.
Take responsibility for getting your spirit, heart and mind straight before the Lord and then trust Him to give you His perspective. Come up in the Spirit and stop looking in the horizontal. There are no answers in the horizontal.
Mark Biteler

Links to the latest JRP Videos & Paper

by JRP Ministry Staff on 12/02/20

First, there are three additional videos related to what the Lord has revealed regarding the election.  If you or someone you know needs to be encouraged in the Lord and needs a sure word from Him, these videos will do the job.

The following videos provide a scriptural and prophetic context for what the Lord revealed through Dana Coverstone's dreams. I am working through my 34-page document concerning his fourth dream. You can download the PDF here - Part 3: Judging Dana Coverstone's Dream #4, Empowered Evil

There is far more beneath the surface than Dana is aware of.

I hope you find these helpful.  There is a great deal that the Lord is releasing to the Church. 

Mark Biteler

President Trump, King Solomon & Election Fraud, Part 1 & 2

by JRP Ministry Staff on 11/13/20

Two new videos have been released regarding the election and what I prophesied in August of this year regarding President Trump being re-elected.  Please find links to each YouTube video here:  Part 1Part 2

A podcast for Part 1 can be found here:  Podcast for Part 1

As I sought the Lord on November 4th, the Lord guided me to I Kings chapters 1 & 2, as well as I Chronicles 22-23 & 28-29.  A conspiracy was formed in an attempt to keep Solomon from becoming king, but it was quickly and soundly defeated.  The Lord called Solomon to be king and He has called President Trump to be re-elected to a second term.  

This is more than about the United States.  As with Solomon, it is about the Kingdom of God and the re-building of the true temple of the Lord, the Body of Christ.  

Get prepared to be encouraged to the point of joy as you hear what the Lord is saying He will do!  President Trump will be re-elected.

Mark Biteler

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