As California and the Northeast Burn, When Will We Turn? : Aligning With the Holy Spirit for Revival
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As California and the Northeast Burn, When Will We Turn?

by JRP Ministry Staff on 09/10/20

We point our crooked fingers at China and say, "They only got what they deserved!" But the example that the Lord has made of China stands as a warning to all in America, AND His Church, that He will pour out His judgments upon us if we will not repent.
He proclaimed through this ministry that we had seen fires, but we hadn't seen the fires that He was about to bring -
'"I then saw the Lord walking through America from west to east, trampling down those who stand against Him. The Spirit then reminded me, "Did I not say that you would be appalled at what I would do? You have seen fires, but you haven’t seen anything yet. The destruction that I revealed to My prophets years ago would come to major metropolitan cities will come to pass.”' (an excerpt from this blog post released on June 11, 2020 -
So what will we do in our homes while we watch the fires in California, Oregon, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Washington and Wyoming? Will we repent or will we wait for judgment to come across our country. The Lord revealed He would move from West to East! How long will we stand and not kneel crying out to the Lord and asking Him to reveal our wicked ways and repenting for all that He reveals.
Woe to those who stand against Him in the day of His wrath. He will not relent with His mighty judgments until He secures righteousness in America. Judgment first - then revival.
Mark Biteler

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