China, Judgment & The United States : Aligning With the Holy Spirit for Revival
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China, Judgment & The United States

by JRP Ministry Staff on 01/17/20

The Holy Spirit proclaims that the Lord is about to move with great speed in releasing His judgments against China.  The conspiracies that Chinese government officials have been planning have come up to the Lord and He will act. 

The speed at which multiple judgments will be released from the Lord will be so severe that Chinese officials will be left without a move.  

One purpose of these judgments is to bring the Gospel to China for the purpose of reaping a harvest of souls in that nation. 

The judgment the Lord is bringing to China will send shock waves across our nation and will reach President Trump in the White House.  It is to serve as a warning to him as well as our nation that the judgment the Lord will release against China will also come to the United States if we do not heed.

Previously, the Lord revealed to me that He was calling forth His underground army.  Similar to the Terra Cotta army in China, His army will be revealed and will be called forth to take their stand.  The judgments the Lord sends will ultimately lead to Chinese officials to seek out members of His Church, asking them to pray for the nation and to seek the Lord’s blessing. 

The great wealth that China has accumulated will be stripped from the nation seemingly overnight.  The Lord had revealed years ago that the economic ties (represented as chains) with the United States will be severed creating a dramatic economic boom in our nation. 

For previous prophetic word concerning China from 2013, please follow this linkà

 Mark Biteler

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