China: Judgment will Quickly Escalate
by JRP Ministry Staff on 02/25/20
{Note: It is with a very heavy heart that I am releasing this prophetic word concerning China that I received on February 20, 2020. Please pray that the leaders in China would turn to the Lord and surrender to Him. I submit this word to the Church.}
In a vision I saw the Emperor’s palace in China. There was a wall with three doors and on the
far left a man, who appeared to be a Chinese government official, declared, “We
do not have any answers! Bow the knee to
the Lord!” This will be the direct result of the judgments the Lord will bring with increasing intensity.
The first judgment the Lord has released is the coronavirus/Covid-19. The second judgment He will release will be incrementally more severe. The third will by exponentially more severe than the previous two. This third judgment will bring the nation of China to its knees before the Lord; the government will declare openly that they do not have any answers or solutions for the judgments the Lord has brought upon the country.
The Lord’s purpose in doing this is to tear the spiritual veil, revealing who He is to that nation.
The financial and economic sector controlled by corrupt men
will be systematically dismantled and demolished. I saw a building representing the financial and
economic systems within China full of cracks from top to bottom. There appeared to be left, middle and right portions
or sections of the building. The Lord
would work from left to right and I saw Him begin at the upper-left corner of
the building. The sense I had was that He
would remove the building, piece by piece.
Underneath the building was a vault where the wealth of China was
stored. The Lord stood in that section of
the building giving directions to angels for them to remove the wealth that
would be used by the Church.
What the Lord is doing and will do in China is a warning to the nations.
Jesus will then reveal to the Chinese government why He has dismantled the nation through His judgments. He will let them know that He has taken control, and what they must do for Him to bring restoration. Restoration from the Lord for China will be conditional. He will help the people in China and will not leave them helpless.
All of this is coming sooner than we think.
Mark Biteler