I Am Getting Ready to Roar
by JRP Ministry Staff on 06/20/20
Received this word on Tuesday, June 9, 2020 in two pieces. I wrote it down and felt that today was the day to release it:
I saw a lion’s mane – I was very close to the mane.
“I am the Lion of the Tribe of Judah and I am getting ready to roar.”
There is darkness coming. I am calling my people to stand. Stand. I say it again, STAND! Proclaim what I give you. Focus on me. Great darkness is coming and you need to focus on me. I say it again: Focus on me.
Later: Tongue and interpretation
Have I not told you I am getting ready to roar? I am getting ready to roar.
I am getting ready to roar and I am getting ready to roll – as the waves roll in – in the hurricane and the storm surge is often the worst part – I am getting ready to roll and I am getting ready to surge.
There is a great coming in of my power, a great coming in of my glory, a great coming in of my wrath – I am coming in and I am washing clean – as the storm surge comes and disrupts. As a storm surge comes and uproots – as a storm surge comes and invades. It discombobulates everything – that is the season you are getting ready to go into – things are going to be discombobulated, things are going to seem crazy and you need to focus on me. Stay alert and focus on me. FOCUS ON ME!
Yes I told you – I told you – I told you on that day – that I could change the landscape in an instant and yes, I will change the landscape in an instant. I will uproot. I will dislodge, I will remove the things from high places – I will remove the despots, I will remove. I will uproot and I will remove.
I am coming in like a mighty rushing wind. Many have prayed that I would do it again but they do not know for what they are asking.
I hear the following words: Dislodge. Uproot. Change the landscape in an instant.
April D. Turner