Judgment Coming to California : Aligning With the Holy Spirit for Revival
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Judgment Coming to California

by JRP Ministry Staff on 06/23/20

On June 20, 2020 I released a prophetic vision concerning the Lord’s intention to bring judgment to Los Angeles, CA.  In January 2014 I released a prophetic word where I wrote the following concerning San Francisco:

 I saw the foot of the Lord (that covered multiple states) with His heel upon California and His foot pointing due east.  An earthquake resulted with its greatest power exerted in what appeared to be the San Francisco region.  The earthquake stretched across the entire U.S. from West to East.  The effects of the earthquake, or the news of the devastation, would be felt as far as the East coast.  [MCB1] At a minimum, the judgment that falls on the West coast will be a sign for those on the East coast.  It is a message for Americans everywhere to repent! (Ex 19:18; I S 14:15; Zec 14:3-4; Mt 27:51, 28:2; Ac 16:26; Re 6:12; 8:5; 11:13)

 I then heard the Lord say, “Those that have resisted My Spirit, will see mighty demonstrations of My power” (Ex 3:19-22, Ch. 5; 7:3-5, 13-23; Chapters 8-12; 14:13-21; I Kg 18:36-39; Mt 27:54; Jn 20:28; Ac 9:1-19; Rev 11:3-13).  [Please note that the Lord has revealed His intention to bring judgment upon Church pastors and leaders who resist His Spirit as He moves to minister to His people in power.]

Tonight, the Lord repeated His intention to bring judgment upon Los Angeles and San Francisco.  The sin of California has come up before the Lord.  His judgment will come through an earthquake off the coast bringing a mighty tidal wave of judgment.  This will be far greater in intensity in comparison to the two other recent judgments that He has already released against America in the form of Covid-19 and racial turmoil.  He intends to bring His judgment to all of California, from the north to the south.  No part of the state will be unaffected.  He is coming in great wrath and vengeance.

He will root out the sin of the wicked of California like a person turning over every rock to find a snake.  Californians, you are being warned; if you do not turn and repent of your wickedness, great judgment is coming from the Lord.  The Lord has tried to reach you, but you have refused His voice.  Time and again, the Lord reached out His hand to you, but you refused to listen.  Now, He will bring judgment unless you will turn!  There is still time!

I then asked the Lord, “What should I pray?!”  The Lord replied, “Nothing!  Only lament.” 

Mark Biteler

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