Judgment Coming to Los Angeles, CA : Aligning With the Holy Spirit for Revival
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Judgment Coming to Los Angeles, CA

by JRP Ministry Staff on 06/20/20

In a vision this morning, I was following the Lord as He walked to a column of military vehicles including tanks and trucks.  He then walked to the head of the column.  He then pointed to an area where the vehicles were to be stationed and would begin their assault.

He then pointed to a city that was to be attacked.  He said, "I will bring My judgment against this city because they have not responded to Me." I asked, "What city is it, Lord?"  He then revealed the letters -- L.A.

The Lord has been saying that He would bring His judgments upon the major metropolitan cities, moving from west to east.  Years ago, He revealed that He would place His heal upon San Francisco - the judgment there will be very severe.

We are now seeing judgment released upon Seattle and Portland.  We will see the Lord move in great judgment through our land, because neither the country nor the American Church will not repent of sin against the Holy Spirit.  Leaders of the Church refuse to tell the truth to the flock that judgment has been released, therefore, more is coming.

We are experiencing overlapping judgments.  First the plague of Covid-19, second, war in the form of racial violence.  The coming destruction of other major metropolitan cities will cause many to say, "It looks as if there has been a war here."

It is time for the Church to turn and lead America in repentance.  Why will you die, America?!

Mark Biteler


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