Judgment – Destruction for Major U.S. Cities & the Lord Rebukes Pastors : Aligning With the Holy Spirit for Revival
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Judgment – Destruction for Major U.S. Cities & the Lord Rebukes Pastors

by JRP Ministry Staff on 06/11/20

Amos 5:17 “And in all the vineyards there is wailing, because I shall pass through the midst of you,” says the Lord.

In a vision, I saw the Lord standing and speaking to America. “Are you indeed a country of independence? But you are not independent of Me, for I am the foundation of your Constitution. I, Myself, can rip up the Constitution. There is no deeper foundation than Me. You rest on the founding fathers who rested upon Me.”

“America, I will clean you of your harlotry. With My own feet, I will trample down those who call themselves the “Church” but do not follow Me; My judgment will be upon them. I will pour out My anger and My vengeance, for none are as guilty as My Church. I have taken hold of My sword and I am pulling it from its sheath, for I will have righteousness in America.”

I then saw the Lord walking through America from west to east, trampling down those who stand against Him. The Spirit then reminded me, “Did I not say that you would be appalled at what I would do? You have seen fires, but you haven’t seen anything yet. The destruction that I revealed to My prophets years ago would come to major metropolitan cities will come to pass.”

Those who pass through the cities that receive My judgment will say, “This looks like a war has taken place here.”

There will be desolate skyscrapers. Those who sit, live and work in these buildings believe they are above it all. The Holy Spirit proclaims, “I will bring My vengeance to them.”

The Lord will rebuke pastors to their face. They will not escape the wrath of the Lord nor His judgment; He will find them – there is no hiding place that will be safe for pastors who stand against His Holy Spirit and against His Holy One, Jesus.

I then saw judgment as fire and brimstone falling from Heaven because that is how deep the sin is in America and in the Church. America is like Sodom and Gomorrah.

Mark Biteler

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