New PDF Document Available - Part 1: Judging the Dana Coverstone Brace Yourself Dreams (#1 - #6) Major Themes
by JRP Ministry Staff on 09/30/20
Link to PDF Document Part 1: Dana Coverstone Dreams #1 - #6
At the leading of the Lord, I have prepared the first of what I believe will be a series of documents, paired with videos, where I analyze and review, i.e. judge as Paul said in I Cor 14:29, Dana's dreams in the light of Scripture as well as what the Lord has revealed to me over the years. This document deals with major themes that are set forth.
We need to discern the times and the prophetic words that the Lord is releasing to His Body. By, in and through the Holy Spirit we are called upon to test prophetic words to determine if they are true and sent by The One who is truth - Jesus Christ.
Mark Biteler
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