Prophecy: Restrictions Coming in the Banking Industry : Aligning With the Holy Spirit for Revival
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Prophecy: Restrictions Coming in the Banking Industry

by JRP Ministry Staff on 05/09/20

The Lord ask, “What makes you think that the banking industry will function in the same way it has, going forward?”  The question stopped me.  I hadn’t considered any change in the way banks would operate post-pandemic.  

As I waited on the Lord, He began to reveal that banks would not be able to loan money to the extent they did prior to the pandemic.  The result would be investment capital would be curtailed which would result in a reduction in economic growth, certainly in the United States, but also around the world.  This was not simply academic insight; this was revelation from the Holy Spirit.

The Lord revealed to me years ago that I would see Him make a greater discrimination between the world and those who follow Jesus Christ and are committed to Him.  One facet of this will take place as the Lord begins to transfer the wealth of the world and the unrighteous, into the hands of faithful stewards in the kingdom of God.  The Lord will set up His bank for His purposes.

The restrictions levied upon banks and available capital are part of the Holy Spirit’s strategy to bring pressure on the world as well as His Church to move them toward a greater dependence upon Him.  His will is going to be done in the earth.  In the Church, much of man’s will has been accomplished through bank loans, but not so going forward.  The Lord’s intent is to fund those who listen to His voice and are obedient to Him, rather than those that have made it a habit to move in the sin of presumption, taking their own initiative, developing their own plans and strategies.  In short, the Lord will finance the growth of His kingdom.

Mark Biteler

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