Prophetic Bulletin: Judgment to be Released Upon U.S. Water Supply
by JRP Ministry Staff on 07/22/20
The Vision:
In a vision, I saw the Lord viewing a map of the United States. The lines of each state were clearly visible. He said that He would begin releasing revelation to me as to the judgments that He would be releasing, state by state.
I then saw the Lord precisely measuring a liquid that would be released into our water supply. I then saw people walking and desperate for water. They were having to move to locations that had water.
The Interpretation:
In January 2014, the Lord released a dream and a vision to me concerning judgments He would release upon the United States on both land and water. Since 1997, when I was first released into prophetic ministry, the Lord has demonstrated His interest to build upon that which He has revealed to me in the past. This current vision fits the pattern of progressive revelation.
In testing a prophetic word, dream or vision, it is necessary to understand what the Bible has to say about it. That is to say, “Does it fall within the framework of scripture.” Some Christians do not believe that the Lord moves in judgment today, but the topic is covered extensively within the Old Testament and the New Testament. I have written about the topic of judgment and its relevance to us today in articles that can be found here à The Certainty of Judgment for the United States on Both Land & Water and here à Covid-19 Exposes a Virus in our Theology.
Leviticus 26 provides us with a framework to understand the phases of judgment. In this chapter we can see five phases. Phase 1 – vss 14-17; Phase 2 – vss 18-20; Phase 3 – vss 21-22; Phase 4 – vss 23-26; Phase 5 – vss 27-33. Each phase brings greater severity to the judgment from the previous phase, marked by, “…then I will punish you seven times more for your sins”, which is repeated in verses 18, 21, 24 and 28.
Covid-19 was the beginning of judgment the Lord has released starting this year. The Lord spoke to me saying, “You are in a new season”. It is a Biblical plague as outlined in Lev 26:16 where He promises to send consumption (tuberculosis), which is similar to Covid-19 in a number of important ways. The Lord also revealed that He was taking us from a time of relative peace to a time of war (please read A Man on a Red Horse – From Peace to War).
The Holy Spirit is now emphasizing that judgment will come to America’s water supply. This corresponds to that which is outlined in Phase 2 of the judgments of Lev 26. In vs. 19, the Lord says, “And I will also break down your pride of power; I will also make your sky like iron and your earth like bronze.” This is repeated in Deut 28:23 where the order is reversed, i.e. heaven as bronze and the earth as iron. The references to the sky suggest the withholding of rain. Coupled together with the fruitlessness of the ground indicate not only a judgment on water supplies but also food. This is detailed in verses 17 (curses on food supply), 24 (rain becomes powder) and 48 (the Lord will send thirst) in this same chapter. This will clearly be far greater in devastation than what Covid-19 has been and still is to America.
I would submit to the Body of Christ, that because of our pride and arrogance in refusing to repent in accordance to II Chronicles 7:14 for our wickedness, we will soon move into the second phase of judgment, which will be seven times more severe than what we are currently experiencing with Covid-19 and the riots in major cities (a link to my prophetic word concerning greater destruction coming to American cities is here à Judgment – Destruction for Major U.S. Cities & the Lord Rebukes Pastors) that continue to this day.
We observe in Exodus that the Lord moved swiftly, releasing the first plague by cutting off Egypt’s water supply by turning the water of the Nile, water reservoirs, rivers, streams or canals, as well as water in vessels of wood or stone to blood (Ex 7:14-21). In our case, the Lord is prepared to poison our water! It will not be the devil who destroys water supplies, it will be the Lord. We must remember that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever (Heb 13:8). This is true for His demonstrations of His power to heal the sick, cleanse the leper, raise the dead and save the lost and it is also true regarding His power which is released through judgment. Judgments are a demonstration of His power and by them we will know the Lord.
The Lord speaks through the prophet Amos to Israel and Judah, “I withheld the rain from you while there were still three months until harvest. Then I would send rain on one city and on another city I would not send rain…So two or three cities would stagger to another city to drink water…” (Amos 4:7-8). The Lord tells Israel, “The Lord God has sworn by His holiness…” (Amos 4:2) that these and many other things would come to them. He will demonstrate His holiness to us through His judgments if we will not turn back to the Living God.
We, the Church, have claimed for years II Chronicles 7:14 (NASB) which says, “and if My people who are called by My name humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, will forgive their sin and will heal their land.” Our problem is not that we pray; our problem is that we refuse to repent of our sins. In many cases we have sought out the sins, crimes and atrocities of past generations, but we have not repented of our own. This has brought us to a time where we stand upon the precipice of devastation, catastrophe and calamity!
We have cried out for revival and the Lord has heard our prayers. The problem is that the Lord, for whom the angels cry out, “Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God Almighty” (Rev 4:8), cannot pour out His Holy Spirit without judging His Church and washing us clean. He can only pour out His revival upon good stewards, poor in spirit, who mourn for their sin (Matt 5:3-4). They understand, at the heart level, that they are wretched, miserable, poor, blind and naked before the Lord (Rev 3:17). Only these can stand in His holy place; those who have a clean hands and pure heart, who has not lifted their soul to falsehood, and have not sworn deceitfully (Ps 24:3-4). In contrast, we are in the process of being vomited out of His mouth (Rev 3:16), unless we repent.
But we have eradicated the truth the Bible teaches that the Lord can, will and does move in judgment today. Judgment is as much a part of the Lord as His love, gentleness, kindness and mercy. If the Spirit of Jesus Christ did not move in judgment, then He would not be holy! While readily believing II Chron 7:14, but we choose to disbelieve II Chron 7:13 which helps us understand who is doing what. It is the Lord who is bringing judgment, and it couldn’t be clearer when the Lord says, “If I shut up the heavens so that there is no rain, or if I command the locust to devour the land, or if I send pestilence among My people.” We choose to walk in denial of the only truth that can set us free and help us avert the Lord pouring out His wrath! If we will simply turn and repent, seek His forgiveness and abide by His ways, we will see the mercy of the Lord and the lifting of Covid-19 and the return of peace to our land, but not until then. Until the Church leads the nation in repentance, we will reap greater destruction than what we are currently experiencing. It is a Biblical fact.
The Lion has roared! Who will not fear?
Mark Biteler