Prophetic Bulletin: The Lord is Shaking the Heavens & the Earth : Aligning With the Holy Spirit for Revival
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Prophetic Bulletin: The Lord is Shaking the Heavens & the Earth

by JRP Ministry Staff on 03/13/20

I saw the Lord standing upon the earth with a Thompson sub-machine gun (made infamous by both criminal syndicates and law enforcement during the era of prohibition; it was also the weapon of choice in robbing banks), firing down upon the nations.  The interpretation is that the Lord is taking the wealth of the nations.  He is doing this with great purpose.

I then saw the financial and economic connections between nations rolling up and being disconnected; this will bring severe economic hardship to the peoples of many nations, if not all.  The first example/model of this is the economic ties that the Lord intends to break between the U.S. and China.  The judgment that has come in the form of the Coronavirus/Covid-19, that has brought economic havoc to that nation, is what the Lord is rolling out to the nations.  The Lord’s intention is to bring the government of China to its knees and turn to Him.  It is also His intention to bring the nations to the Lord through His judgments.

To understand what is coming, we should be watching what the Lord is doing in China.  What the Lord has released, and will release, upon China is a warning to the United States as to what is coming if we do not repent.  The Lord is firing a warning shot across our bow.

As the people of the nations cry out to the Lord for deliverance, He will bring economic restoration, but not without leaders relying on the Lord for revelation as to what they should do.  Man’s wisdom and the wisdom of the world will not save a nation from economic chaos and judgment.  The Lord has already planned on the restoration of the nations even though judgment is being released, but reliance and obedience to His Holy Spirit will be required.

 The restoration the Lord intends to bring is a holistic revival; it will be multi-dimensional including salvations, healings, miracles, restoration of economies, etc. 

As the Church aligns with the Holy Spirit and repents of its rebellion, many Christians will be given authority over great wealth for the purpose of ministering the Gospel.  With great resources comes great responsibility to follow the Holy Spirit in the administration of the wealth He is entrusting them with.  This will be the fulfillment of Haggai 2:6-9 (NASB) –

6 “For thus says the Lord of hosts, ‘Once more in a little while, I am going to shake the heavens and the earth, the sea also and the dry land.7 ‘I will shake all the nations; and they will come with the wealth of all nations, and I will fill this house with glory,’ says the Lord of hosts. 8 ‘The silver is Mine and the gold is Mine,’ declares the Lord of hosts. 9 ‘The latter glory of this house will be greater than the former,’ says the Lord of hosts, ‘and in this place I will give peace,’ declares the Lord of hosts.”

The Church will be entrusted with great wealth to reach the nations with the Gospel.  The Lord intends to use the Church to bring the resources needed to minister to the spiritual and practical needs of the nations to demonstrate His love for the world.


As the financial and economic situation becomes severe and desperate, He will bring the supplies that are needed.


This is a time of incredible opportunity for the Church to align with the Holy Spirit and to come under His glory.  Obedience in this hour is critical, for the Lord is not obligated to protect rebellious Church leaders or Christians who are bent on doing their own thing without the counsel of the Lord.


As we align with the Lord, asking for spiritual eyes to see what the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Christ, is doing the Lord will reveal His plans and strategies for us.  As we cry out to the Lord for ears to hear what He is saying, He will bring the revelation needed during the dangerous and perilous times that He has proclaimed were to come upon the earth and are now here.


Please refer to our website for a historical overview of what the Lord has been revealing to me since 1996 and especially since 2013.  The revelations include prophecies concerning the judgment He was bringing to China that would have a ripple effect around the world.


May the Lord give us eyes to see and ears to hear what the Spirit is saying to the Church!  The time is now for Church leaders to repent of doing ministry the way they think they should conduct ministry.  Following the Holy Spirit, being sensitive to His promptings and allowing Him to flow like a River in and through His Church is absolutely necessary; there is no Plan B. 


Heaven is sounding an alarm!  His message is simple to pastors and Church leaders – “Change or Perish!”


Mark Biteler

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