Responding to Dana Coverstone & Dutch Sheets : Aligning With the Holy Spirit for Revival
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Responding to Dana Coverstone & Dutch Sheets

by JRP Ministry Staff on 07/18/20

I recently responded to Dana Coverstone's dreams that he shared on YouTube recently.  His video has go viral and I believe the Lord is using him to elevate what the Holy Spirit has been saying to the Church for some time.

The Lord began to reveal to me in 2013 and 2014 that He would bring bring judgment both to the Church and America.  My video response on our Joshua Revival Project YouTube channel is designed to help the Church vector in on the prophetic truth and is by far the most popular video I have released.  

The scripture is clear that we know in part and we prophecy in part (I Cor 13:9).  None of us have all the pieces, but together we can vector in on the truth by hearing what the Spirit is saying through His prophets and others in the Body of Christ that He is speaking to.  We must test what we are hearing.

I hope this video is of help.  We are in a new season where the Lord intends to release a tremendous amount of revelation to the Church.  It's time for us to hear what the Holy Spirit is saying.  Dangerous and perilous times are here and the only way to be protected is to stay in the glory of God, which simply means to stay close to Jesus.

Mark Biteler

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