The Days of the Wrath of the Lord : Aligning With the Holy Spirit for Revival
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The Days of the Wrath of the Lord

by JRP Ministry Staff on 01/10/21

The Lord declares, “Shortly and in a little while I will release My wrath. I am turning My face toward Los Angeles and San Francisco for the darkness in these cities is deep and it is real. So, the judgment that I have spoken about will come not many days from now.”

“The shaking that I am bringing to the country will continue and will bring fear to the wicked. But it will also cause fear within the Church because their eyes are not upon Me, nor do they know Me and that I move in power. So, while I am moving in judgment, comfort My people. I will move in power among them and I will bring comfort.”

“I am moving My people from where they are to where I want them to be. Tell them I am shepherding them forward. Change, change! Great change! An upheaval is coming.” I then saw a rolling wave of judgment and change flowing from the West Coast to the East Coast, and then back again.

I then saw the Lord take hold of the West Coast and the East Coast with His hands and shake the nation similar to how a person would take hold of a game board and shake the game pieces from their place. In like manner, the Lord will shake this nation.

“You are in dangerous and perilous times, stay close to Me! Walk carefully with Me and do not let your foot slip, because it is a narrow path forward.”

I then saw the Lord wielding His sword across the country; there will be death in America. Great judgment and great wrath will be released upon the United States.

“I will speak to Donald Trump and I will reveal to him what he must do. He will move up and take the platform that I have prepared for him and he will do what I have called him to do. Everything that I have said concerning him will come to pass.”

“I will begin to confront the Congress as a whole and its individual members. I will confront them face to face and they will know that it is Me. For they have lost their fear of Me, but I am coming against them.” I then saw the Lord and His army moving against Congress, essentially surrounding Washington, D.C. I then heard the Lord say, “I will establish righteousness in Washington, D.C. I will establish righteousness in this government; I will do it.”

“Much will be revealed in the days to come for these are the days of the release of My wrath. As I have spoken in the past, so I say again now, woe to those who stand against Me in the days of My wrath.”

“Be diligent; hearken to My word and hearken to My Spirit. Stay in the place of peace. Do not wrangle with those who do not believe. I will deal with them Myself. Stay in the path that I have prescribed for you. These are the days of the wrath of the Lord.”

Mark C. Biteler

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