Aligning With the Holy Spirit for Revival
Part 3: Judging Dana Coverstone's Dream #4 - Empowered Evil
by JRP Ministry Staff on 11/07/20Please find the link below to my 32 page paper concerning Dana's fourth dream. There is a great deal that the Holy Spirit has revealed in this dream. It is a sobering message for the Church, leaders and all of us.
Part 2: Judging the Dana Coverstone Brace Yourself Dreams #1 thru #3
by JRP Ministry Staff on 10/06/20My latest article concerning the Dana Coverstone visions is now available pdf by clicking on this link: Part 2: Judging the Dana Coverstone Brace Yourself Dreams #1 thru #3
Jesus Will Remove the Dirt From His House
by JRP Ministry Staff on 10/02/20
In a vision I watched the Lord start vacuuming the dirt in a carpet. He then got down on His hands and knees and began to search for dirt, deep between at the base of the fibers.
The Holy Spirit has revealed that a deep cleansing is coming
to the Body of Christ, His house. He is
going deep to expose the sin (dirt) and He will remove it. The Lord has spoken to me saying, “None
are as guilty as My Church.”
Current leaders of the Church, you have been warned! Only one of the grave sins we are guilty of
is the habitual sin of refusing to allow the Holy Spirit in power is grave rebellion. If you do not choose to allow the Holy Spirit
to flow like a mighty rushing River, then you will surely perish. I speak by the Spirit of the Lord.
It is impossible for the Church or its individual members to steward the outpouring of the Holy Spirit without repenting of deeply embedded sin. The scripture proclaims that in order for righteousness to flow through His people, there must be righteousness in His people -
Malachi 3:2–6 (NASB95)
2“But who can endure the day of His
coming? And who can stand when He appears? For He is like a refiner’s fire and
like fullers’ soap.
3“He will sit as a smelter and purifier
of silver, and He will purify the sons of Levi and refine them like gold and
silver, so that they may present to the Lord offerings in righteousness.
4“Then the offering of Judah and
Jerusalem will be pleasing to the Lord as in the days of old and as in former
5“Then I will draw near to you for
judgment; and I will be a swift witness against the sorcerers and against the
adulterers and against those who swear falsely, and against those who oppress the
wage earner in his wages, the widow and the orphan, and those who turn aside
the alien and do not fear Me,” says the Lord of hosts.
6“For I, the Lord, do not change;
therefore you, O sons of Jacob, are not consumed.
Only after a deep cleansing of
His people, only after the Lord, “…draws near to *[us] for judgment,” will we
be fully prepared for a revival that requires offerings in righteousness. Only after He purifies us like a smelter and
a purifier of silver will we be able to receive Him and stand in His presence.
The Church has been praying for a spiritual awakening, but as I have said years ago, it will be a rude awakening beginning with judgment. Judgment has already started and it will only intensify because our theology has been corrupted with the doctrines of demons, the wisdom of man and the teachers of false light.
We must understand that we stand before the Lord as guilty as the Church of Laodicea. We believe we are rich and have become wealthy and have need of nothing. The truth of our spiritual condition is that we are wretched, miserable, poor, blind, and naked (Rev 3:17). Jesus stated emphatically that the kingdom of God belongs to the poor in spirit (Matt 5:3) and who are poor (Luke 6:20); disciples of Christ know, not at the academic/purely cognitive level, but it has been revealed to their hearts what their desperate and impoverished condition is before Him.
The Lord revealed to me years ago that He would bring reluctant Christians into His fire. He said, “They don’t want to come to Me. It is too hot. They will not come on their own accord, so I am pulling them in.” I then watched as people began to enter the flame, screaming in agony because of the fire. It was clear they were in anguish. They were pulled into and through fire. When they went through the flames they came out glowing with the presence of God emanating from within.1
This is the price of the revival we have been praying for. Salvation was purchased through the blood that Jesus Christ shed on the cross and is free to all; revival that is coming will cost us everything. We must take up His cross and follow Him. Jesus taught the following -
Matthew 16:25 (NASB95)
25“For whoever wishes to save his life
will lose it; but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it.
The Lord is calling all of us to a new level of consecration and holiness. He will not relate to us at the level we are at now. We must choose to move higher in the Spirit and be done with the flesh that so easily entangles (Heb 12:1 NASB95). His desire is to promote us to move at the level of authority and power required for the days we are in and those that will soon be upon us. However, we must count the cost. To have more of His presence, we must give Him permission to do a deep work in us.
We have been crying out in prayers and songs asking the Lord to, “let it rain…open the floodgates of Heaven and let it rain,”2 not realizing that we have a responsibility before the Lord to be His floodgates. In Psalm 24 it says, “Lift up your heads , O gates, and be lifted up, O ancient doors, that the King of glory may come in!” (Ps 24:7 NASB95) The Lord wants to pour out His Holy Spirit more than we want Him to, but we must decide to allow His Spirit to flow through us and surrender yet again to His will going forward. We cannot move in the authority, power and glory He has destined us for without giving Him a blank check to do whatever He wants to do in AND through us.
Mark Biteler
* Added for emphasis
1 Mark Biteler, “A Mighty Revival
Coming to Hampton Roads & Regent University - The Lord said,
‘What I have revealed I will do at Regent, I will do in America.”’, (Joshua Revival Project, 2012),
pg. 8.
2 Michael W. Smith. Let it Rain. Worship (2001).
New PDF Document Available - Part 1: Judging the Dana Coverstone Brace Yourself Dreams (#1 - #6) Major Themes
by JRP Ministry Staff on 09/30/20
Will the New Supreme Court Nominee Be Approved by the Senate?
by JRP Ministry Staff on 09/29/20
Recording of The Return Event in Washington D.C. Sept. 25-26, 2020
by JRP Ministry Staff on 09/27/20
The Judgment of the Fires in California & Northwest Demand a Response – Repent!
by JRP Ministry Staff on 09/25/20
In a vision I saw the Lord watching the wildfires. I could see the flames and thick billowing smoke. I related this on a video dated September 16, 2020 that can be seen here à Judgment Demands A Response.
He turned around to me with tears in His eyes saying, “They are not responding.” I can say emphatically that the wildfires in California are indeed judgment from the Lord that He told us would come in a prophetic word I released on June 11, 2020. In that word, the Lord said, “You have seen fires, but you haven’t seen anything yet.”
The California & Oregon fires are the largest in either states’ history. California now reports that 26 lives have been lost, with a total of 8,000+ wildfires have burned over 3.6 million acres (26 times more than during the same time period in 2019) and 6900+ structures have been lost. Five of the current fires are in the top six fires in California recorded history. As of September 10, Gov. Kate Brown of Oregon reported that 900,000 acres had been burned. She said that the normal average in a year is 500,000 acres in a single year. That translates to an 80% increase.
Does all of this qualify for what the Lord said, “You haven’t seen anything yet”? Without a doubt.
Therefore, what is the response the Lord is looking for? Clearly firefighters are responding to the fires, but what about the citizens of California and Oregon? Moreover, what is the Church doing to respond to the judgment that has fallen upon their states? Are they repenting or just praying that the Lord would intervene with more favorable weather conditions?
The Lord has been very clear about His plan and His purpose regarding releasing judgment against California and the nation. He will not relent until there is repentance across this country. He will have righteousness in America and He will not stop pouring out His wrath and vengeance until we turn, cry out for mercy AND repent.
Church, when will you face the truth that judgment has been and continues to be poured out on this country? Church leaders, when will you stop telling your people that, “…everything is going to be alright”? It is time to stop your messages of denial. If there isn’t widespread repentance in the Church and in America, the intensity of judgment will only increase. More severe judgment is coming! When will you turn Church and repent of not listening to the voice of the Holy Spirit?! Hear the words of the Lord through the prophet Jeremiah –
Jeremiah 7:20–24 (NASB95)
20Therefore thus says the Lord God,
“Behold, My anger and My wrath will be poured out on this place, on man and on
beast and on the trees of the field and on the fruit of the ground; and it will
burn and not be quenched.” 21Thus says the Lord of
hosts, the God of Israel, “Add your burnt offerings to your sacrifices and eat
flesh. 22“For I did not speak to your fathers, or command them in the day that I
brought them out of the land of Egypt, concerning burnt offerings and
sacrifices. 23“But this is what I commanded them, saying, ‘Obey My voice, and I will
be your God, and you will be My people; and you will walk in all the way which
I command you, that it may be well with you.’ 24“Yet they did not obey or incline their ear, but
walked in their own counsels and in the stubbornness of their evil heart, and
went backward and not forward.
Church, you are moving backward at full speed! You are not on the cutting edge; you are dull of hearing and refuse to hear and obey the voice of the Holy Spirit. You are full of confusion and America is suffering because of it. When will you turn Church leaders? When will you learn?
Mark Biteler
The Glory Road & The Road of Poverty
by JRP Ministry Staff on 09/25/20
Good People Are Dying, But No One Considers What Is Really Going On
by JRP Ministry Staff on 09/17/20
Don't Be Deceived About Sexual Immorality
by JRP Ministry Staff on 09/14/20