Aligning With the Holy Spirit for Revival
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Aligning With the Holy Spirit for Revival

Link to New Video On Our YouTube Channel Concerning Fires in CA & the Northwest

by JRP Ministry Staff on 09/13/20

Prophetic Context for Fires in California & the Northwest 09.12.20

In this video, I share the current statistics regarding the fires in California and Oregon.  I also discuss three prophetic visions that I released in January 2014 and June 20 & 23, 2020.  The Lord is doing what He said He would do.  He isn't playing games.  Judgment is hitting America and will only continue AND intensify according to everything the Lord has revealed to me and what we all can read in Leviticus 26 and Deuteronomy 28.  Every Church leader, indeed, every Christian should understand what is essentially the Lord's playbook for judgment.  But make no mistake, the Lord isn't playing games.  He will not relent until there is righteousness in the Church and in America.

You may want to do a number of things to prepare, but the one thing take priority and that is to seek the Lord for those wicked things that He wants you to deal with, repent and seek His face.  Repent because He will not relent until we do.

Mark Biteler

As California and the Northeast Burn, When Will We Turn?

by JRP Ministry Staff on 09/10/20

We point our crooked fingers at China and say, "They only got what they deserved!" But the example that the Lord has made of China stands as a warning to all in America, AND His Church, that He will pour out His judgments upon us if we will not repent.
He proclaimed through this ministry that we had seen fires, but we hadn't seen the fires that He was about to bring -
'"I then saw the Lord walking through America from west to east, trampling down those who stand against Him. The Spirit then reminded me, "Did I not say that you would be appalled at what I would do? You have seen fires, but you haven’t seen anything yet. The destruction that I revealed to My prophets years ago would come to major metropolitan cities will come to pass.”' (an excerpt from this blog post released on June 11, 2020 -
So what will we do in our homes while we watch the fires in California, Oregon, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Washington and Wyoming? Will we repent or will we wait for judgment to come across our country. The Lord revealed He would move from West to East! How long will we stand and not kneel crying out to the Lord and asking Him to reveal our wicked ways and repenting for all that He reveals.
Woe to those who stand against Him in the day of His wrath. He will not relent with His mighty judgments until He secures righteousness in America. Judgment first - then revival.
Mark Biteler

The Lord’s Emerging Leaders - Originally Posted on November 23, 2013

by JRP Ministry Staff on 09/02/20

Note:  I am re-posting this from 2013 to refresh myself and hopefully help others understand what may be happening to them or others around them.  I can testify that I am a witness to the fulfillment of this prophetic word in this hour...and I rejoice in it!  It is the Lord!

Over the past 18 months the Holy Spirit revealed through a number of visions what He is doing and what He will do in establishing a new front-line of leaders in His army.

I saw the Lord in full armor calling His soldiers to attention. (Josh 5:13-15, Is 59:17) As He did, I saw those standing in front of Him snap to attention that He then addressed.

In another vision, I would see an army and from far back in the ranks I saw those The Lord was promoting. I could see a flame of fire in one that represented those who He was promoting – full of the fire of the Holy Spirit. As this soldier came forward he easily passed statues of people that were in the ranks. They were frozen and appeared as rock, unable to hear or to speak.

I then heard the voice of the Lord say, “Nothing will keep my new leaders from taking the position that I have given to them.” Nothing kept Joshua, Samuel, David, John the Baptist, Jesus, Peter or Paul from taking their place as leaders. It was the same then. It is the same today.

I then saw a new front line being established with those that He was calling forward. The Lord directed them to take their post in front of what I would call the current established leadership. They looked with disdain on those that had been ushered to the front line. They clearly were envious of the new leaders. Their facial expressions said it all, “Who do they think they are to take their position in front of us?!” By doing so they reveal their heart – that of King Saul, the Pharisees and the Sadducees. (I Sam 18:6-9, Acts 4:13-21)

I was then given a view of this new group of leaders. Standing in tight formation (which speaks to me of their understanding of relationship with one another) on the front line I saw the River of God coming out and flowing forward from them. They are leaders who know the Holy Spirit and how to flow with Him. These have the Spirit and heart of Joshua, Samuel and David. These are the leaders of our time who are anointed and are being promoted by the Holy Spirit that will take ground for the Kingdom of God. (Josh 1:1-9, I Sam 3, 7:3-14, II Sam 17:21-58)

They do not move in a detached intellectualism that they attempt to substitute for a genuine and vibrant faith. These are leaders whose hearts are on fire with the Holy Spirit and flow in His power. (Dan 11:32b, Is 59:21, I Cor 2:4-5)

These are leaders how know the voice of the Lord. They obey His leadings and His promptings, and because they do, they see the Lord fighting for them. (Mark 16:20)

Mark Biteler

Prophetic Bulletin: President Trump Will Be Re-elected & Civil War Will Come

by JRP Ministry Staff on 08/27/20

The Lord appeared to me and said, “President Trump will be re-elected, but the enemy will lurch for the throat of the country.  The civil war that will ensue will be more severe than what many expect.  Blow the trumpet regarding this message and tell My people to seek Me as to how they should prepare.”

Many of you reading the above paragraph may have believed that President Trump would be re-elected.  You may have even reasoned that same sort and level of skirmishes similar to what we have witnessed in Minneapolis, Seattle, Portland, Chicago, Kenosha and other cities, might increase.  But the Lord is declaring that civil war is coming, and it will be much more severe (intensity, duration, etc.) that any of us might think or considered to be probable.

It is time to seek the Lord as to how He would have us to prepare.  Dangerous and perilous times are upon us and the only way through this is to stay close to the Lord and follow His Holy Spirit; we must take great care in being sensitive to the voice of the Lord.  We must stay in His Glory, under the shadow of His wings (Ps 91).  His path alone is the only way through the darkness and calamity that is coming.

Mark Biteler

The “Get More Jewish” Doctrine Won’t Stop Judgment OR Bring Revival

by JRP Ministry Staff on 08/26/20

There has been an ongoing issue in the Church since the first century that just never seems to go away, but it needs to die in us.  It has to do with Christians trying to be more “Jewish” so the Lord can bring revival or to make sure we are properly aligned with the Lord.  It really is amazing how some Christians feel a need for more security in a pseudo-form of Christianity rather than living in the freedom purchased through Jesus’ sacrifice on the Cross. 

With a mandate from the Lord to speak plainly, “Because that is the only way people are going to hear the truth”, get ready for some plain talkin’.  Neither shofars, prayer shawls, Passover seders, celebrations of Jewish festivals nor incorporating the vain philosophy of ancient Jewish “wisdom” in our Christians lives are going to get anyone closer to God or make us more righteous in His sight.  It didn’t work for the Jews, so it isn’t going to work for Christians; this was the message of Peter that we will cover later.  Jewish traditions might make a Christian feel better or make them feel like they are getting better connected to their Jewish roots, but it has little to do with New Testament Christianity or walking with Jesus. 

Legalism, any form of legalism including Jewish legalism, doesn’t satisfy the Lord, who is Holy.  Either Jesus is our righteousness (and nothing else) or He isn’t.  Jeremiah prophesied the following: 

Jeremiah 23:5–6 (NASB95)

5 “Behold, the days are coming,” declares the Lord, “When I will raise up for David a righteous Branch; And He will reign as king and act wisely and do justice and righteousness in the land. 6 “In His days Judah will be saved, And Israel will dwell securely; And this is His name by which He will be called, ‘The Lord our righteousness.’

There is no coincidence that Jeremiah prophesies, “In His days Judah will be saved, and Israel will dwell securely,” because that was exactly what the Lord intended for us.  He wants us to feel secure in the fact that Jesus alone is our righteousness and nothing else.  Not Jewish tradition, customs, seders, prayer shawls or shofars make us righteous.  In fact, the Lord stated that our righteousness, our works or our traditions, that make us feel more right with the Lord, are nothing but filthy rags (compared to His righteousness) as set forth in the Book of Isaiah.

 Isaiah 64:5–7 (NASB95)

5 You meet him who rejoices in doing righteousness, who remembers You in Your ways. Behold, you were angry, for we sinned, we continued in them a long time; And shall we be saved? 6 For all of us have become like one who is unclean, And all our righteous deeds are like a filthy garment; And all of us wither like a leaf, And our iniquities, like the wind, take us away. 7 There is no one who calls on Your name, who arouses himself to take hold of You; For You have hidden Your face from us and have delivered us into the power of our iniquities.

These verses couldn’t be more plain concerning the sin of self-righteousness based upon good works, traditions, or anything else other than Jesus.  Jesus is our righteousness and during this time where judgment is being released from Heaven and more is being promised, it is high time that we repent from our high, moral tone proclaiming that we have need of nothing.  No wonder the Lord is pouring out His wrath!

If we are to appease the Lord’s wrath, we must repent and circumcise our hearts! This is repeated in Lev 26:41; Deut 30:6 as well as in Jeremiah 4:4 –

Jeremiah 4:4 (NASB95)

4 “Circumcise yourselves to the Lord And remove the foreskins of your heart, Men of Judah and inhabitants of Jerusalem, Or else My wrath will go forth like fire And burn with none to quench it, Because of the evil of your deeds.”

The apostle Peter experienced this truth through the Lord’s revelation that came in the form of an open vision in Acts 10:10-16.  He testified in verses 34-35 that, “I most certainly understand now that God is not one to show partiality, but in every nation the man who fears Him and does what is right is welcome to Him.”  We can learn a lesson from Peter in that we must have experiential revelation of scriptural truth; the mind alone can never get us there.  But we must read further to see that Peter didn’t believe in self-righteousness, but in a righteousness that comes by Christ alone – vs. 36 “The word which He sent to the sons of Israel, preaching peace (or the gospel of peace) through Jesus Christ (He is Lord of all).”  Christ alone!

This truth was further amplified when Peter witnessed the Holy Spirit falling on the Gentiles at Cornelius’ house in Acts 10:44-46.  Those who were with him, of the circumcision (Jewish converts who believed and demanded that Gentile converts follow the law and the traditions of the Jews), “also witnessed that the gift of the Holy Spirit had been poured out upon the Gentiles also.  For they were hearing them speaking with tongues and exalting God.”

Here we begin to see another root of the problem that demands more “Jewishness” instead of true righteousness in the Church:  there is so little of the Holy Spirit being made manifest in our lives.  Why?  Because we have resisted Him and grieved Him on a continual basis.  We have refused to listen to His voice and because of all of this great judgment is upon the Church, pastors, congregations and this country.

The declaration of truth secured in Peter’s account cannot be over-emphasized.  It was so powerful, that it became the foundational revelation that he relayed to those who believed that Jesus plus circumcision was the only proper way to be saved and walk in revival with Him.  Jesus wasn’t enough for them and it appears that Jesus is not enough for us!  When will we learn?!

Legalism that grows in the hearts of Christians will not be satisfied until pride fills the heart and chokes the life that flows from Jesus who is The Life.  The Lord is opposed to the proud, but He gives grace to the humble (Ps 138:6; Pr 8:13; Jer 50:31; Is 2:12; Lk 1:51; Ja 4:6; I Pt 5:5).  This issue is no trivial thing; it is the heart and the foundation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

The Church loves its national Christian conferences but what have we learned from the first true leadership conference of the New Testament recorded at the Council at Jerusalem to discuss this very issue?  In Acts 15 we read the proceedings and the decisions that were made.  These were foundational discussions regarding the truth of the liberty that Gentile Christians were to have and yet we have wandered from the truth that was debated and decided upon there.  

The Lord pounded the truth of His message through the experiences He orchestrated for Peter, and other witnesses, in what they experienced with Cornelius in Caesarea.  This would again be foundational for the decision that would be rendered for the Gentile church at Antioch.  In addition to Peter, the Lord brought Barnabas and Paul who confirmed what the Lord was doing in Antioch (Acts 15:12) where large numbers turned to the Lord (Acts 11:21, 24 & 26) because of the preaching of men from Cyprus and Cyrene, Barnabas and Paul.

We can only imagine the drama and heated debates that took place during the Council in Jerusalem  based upon the gulf that stood between the party of the circumcision and the freedom that was announced in the final resolution sent to Antioch.  Peter basically rebuked the Pharisees and their yoke of bondage saying,

Acts 15:8–11 (NASB95)

8 “And God, who knows the heart, testified to them giving them the Holy Spirit, just as He also did to us; 9 and He made no distinction between us and them, cleansing their hearts by faith. 10 “Now therefore why do you put God to the test by placing upon the neck of the disciples a yoke which neither our fathers nor we have been able to bear?  11 “But we believe that we are saved through the grace of the Lord Jesus, in the same way as they also are.”


So, what does this mean for us?  It means that more Jewishness, no matter how important we or others think it is, is nothing but a yoke (a burden) that Jesus never meant for us to carry!  We are free to serve the Lord in the truth; as we repent of our pride and our sins, He will walk with us without the necessity of following Jewish traditions that spiritual Pharisees demand we walk in.

 Why is this so important?  James makes it clear when he recounts, “and with these words (i.e. Peter’s testimony) of the Prophets agree, just as it is written, After these things I will return and I will rebuild the tabernacle of David which has fallen, and I will rebuild its ruins and I will restore it in order than the rest of mankind may seek the Lord and all the Gentiles who are called by My name…” (Acts 15:15-18).  The Council agreed with James who summed up the argument saying, “Therefore it is my judgment that we do not trouble those who are turning to God from among the Gentiles, but that we write them that they abstain from things contaminated by idols and from fornication and from what is strangled and from blood.” (Acts 15:19-20).

Nowhere in the letter to Antioch did the Church leaders, gathered in Jerusalem, tell the Gentiles to “get more Jewish because it will help you get closer to Jesus.”  No, quite the contrary!

Peter, James, Barnabas and Paul made a strong case during that council meeting that stands to this day.  But the Lord saw fit to pound this basic and essential doctrine of freedom further because He knew that our hearts were bent on obtaining righteousness through the easiest form of legalism that exists – Jewish tradition, i.e. Judaism.  This time He took a sledgehammer and told Paul to swing until the deception of “Get More Jewish” could be recognized and refused.  Paul did it without the niceties of flowery speech.  You really can’t find stronger plain talk than the Book of Galatians.

To start with, I can’t do justice to the severity with which Paul pounds the Galatians and their drift away from the Lord by swallowing, hook, line and sinker (or should I say “stinker) the deceptive teaching of what could be called the party of “Get More Jewish”.  However, I will make a few key points that I hope will uproot this heresy in our hearts.

First, Paul was amazed how quickly the Church of Galatia deserted (this is Paul’s language in Gal 1:6) the Lord.  He’s not talking about doctrine; he is making the point that because they have shifted their thinking, embracing the doctrine of the Judaizers, they have left the Lord.  In other words, they are not aligned with Him, His plan, or His purpose.  When we are not aligned with the Lord, it is impossible for Him to lead us into truth, to protect us, to pour out His Spirit, send revival, etc.  Nothing works without being where Jesus is.  That should make anyone who believes they can be better Christians and more holy by following Jewish traditions such as observing Jewish feasts, tracking the Jewish calendar, celebrating the Passover seder, blowing shofars and prayer shawls to stop and throw it all out.  All of this simply points to Jesus, but it is not Jesus.  If you get this point, you will feel a thousand-pound weight lift from your heart and spirit.  The doctrine of “Get More Jewish” is nothing but a burden we were never designed to carry.

Regarding the needless focus on the Jewish calendar and all the speculation that has its own momentum in Pentecostal and Evangelical circles concerning when Jesus is coming back, we need to resolve something here and now.  Jesus holds time in His hand; better yet, He is the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end.  If you want to know what time it is, as far as the end times are concerned, resolve yourself to understanding that all you need to know is what He told us before He ascended – stay awake (Matt 24:42, 44, 25:13, Mk 13:35, Lk 12:40).  Why did He tell us to stay alert?  Because He would be speaking to us through His Holy Spirit.  Jesus was constantly telling His followers, “He who has ears, let him hear”, in Mt 11:15, 13:43; Mk 4:9, Lk 8:8, 14:35; Rev 2:7, 11, 17, 29, 3:6, 3:13 and 22.  The last four references were messages to the churches in Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamum, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia and Laodicea – all seven churches.  This is a resounding message to all believers.

The strength of the repetition in this message is for us, His Church, today.  We weren’t called to figure things out, we were called to follow Jesus and listen to His voice.  Anything, especially the devilish “Get More Jewish” doctrine of demons, is nothing but a distraction designed to make certain that we desert Jesus who is The Truth.  Paul called it out to the Philippians when he said, “Beware of the dogs, beware of the evil workers, beware of the false circumcision.” (Ph 3:2) Those who promote the “Get More Jewish” doctrine are nothing but evil workers teaching doctrines of demons, designed to ensnare believers.  That is as plain as anyone can say it.  The context of this verse has to do with Paul describing his former way of life as a Pharisee, “as to the righteousness which is in the Law, found blameless.” (Ph 3:6)  However, in his life as a follower of Christ, he counted his former way of life, the pursuit of Judaism, as rubbish in order that he could know Christ and the righteousness that comes from Him alone! (Ph 3:8-9)  So why would we attempt to incorporate trash into our walk in a futile attempt to win the favor of the Lord who has called us out of that mess?

But Paul didn’t stop there.  In the first chapter of Galatians, Paul recognized that the doctrine of the Judaizers was nothing but a distortion of the gospel.  He goes on to throw two large boxes of dynamite into the mix.  He repeats a demand that for anyone who is preaching anything contrary to the true gospel of Christ, i.e. that of the Judaizers, let him be accursed!  This should be sobering for anyone who expounds the “Get More Jewish” doctrine or is attempting to embrace more Jewishness into their walk with Jesus.  The essential element of following Jesus today is the same as it was for Moses and the Hebrews before they left Egypt.  The Lord spoke through Jeremiah –

 Jeremiah 7:22–24 (NASB95)

22 “For I did not speak to your fathers, or command them in the day that I brought them out of the land of Egypt, concerning burnt offerings and sacrifices. 23 “But this is what I commanded them, saying, ‘Obey My voice, and I will be your God, and you will be My people; and you will walk in all the way which I command you, that it may be well with you.’ 24 “Yet they did not obey or incline their ear but walked in their own counsels and in the stubbornness of their evil heart, and went backward and not forward.

The priority for our lives in following Christ is to hear His voice, believe what He says and act upon it.  This is true piety; this is what faith in Christ is all about.  The question we need to ask ourselves is, “Why am I so stubbornly reluctant to surrender my self-righteousness by attempting to be more Jewish?”  The truth is that if we want to be closer to the Lord, we must confess our sin, take it to the Cross, and receive not only His forgiveness but His righteousness.  We must receive Jesus into our hearts anew and afresh.

 Paul testified about his former life that was steeped in Judaism.  He was advancing beyond all of his contemporaries and extremely jealous for his ancestral traditions (Gal 1:13-14).  But as a Christian and Apostle, he spoke of the new life he had in Christ – “I do not nullify the grace of God; for if righteousness comes through the Law, then Christ died needlessly.” (Gal 2:21)  Paul repudiated Judaism, so why are we attempting to keep in alive?  Paul’s questions to the Galatians are the same questions the Spirit of the Lord is asking to us.

Galatians 3:1–5 (NASB95)

1 You foolish Galatians, who has bewitched you, before whose eyes Jesus Christ was publicly portrayed as crucified? 2 This is the only thing I want to find out from you: did you receive the Spirit by the works of the Law, or by hearing with faith? 3 Are you so foolish? Having begun by the Spirit, are you now being perfected by the flesh? 4 Did you suffer so many things in vain—if indeed it was in vain? 5 So then, does He who provides you with the Spirit and works miracles among you, do it by the works of the Law, or by hearing with faith?


More could be covered in this article, but I would encourage you to saturate yourself in Paul’s letter to the Galatians because of its complete and multi-faceted repudiation of Judaism.  But Paul didn’t stop there.  I encourage you to make a careful study of all that Paul taught in his letters.  As you do, I pray that the Lord’s message, by the power of the Holy Spirit, may bring revelation to your heart and set you free from the chains and bondage that always result when we embrace the doctrines of men and demons.  When we understand this issue in this light, we will find it easier to walk away from our striving in the flesh and begin again to trust the Lord who is our righteousness.

Finally, there is no evil in studying Jewish tradition or customs, but when we begin to practice it, our faith becomes corrupted, we become enslaved and as Paul emphatically stated in Gal 2:21, “…Christ died needlessly”.  It was for freedom that Christ set us free! (Gal 5:1)  Therefore, let us stand firm in Christ and walk in His peace.

Mark Biteler

Conspiracy! Conspiracy! Conspiracy!

by JRP Ministry Staff on 07/22/20

Concerned about conspiracy theories concerning Covid-19, legislatures forcing churches to close, using masks or anything else you've read on Facebook.  Let's go back to the Bible:

Isaiah 8:12 (NASB95)
12“You are not to say, ‘It is a conspiracy!’ In regard to all that this people call a conspiracy, And you are not to fear what they fear or be in dread of it.

Want to be concerned and fearful about something?  Fear God and the judgment that is already upon us and the greater judgments that are coming.  

Let us stop being concerned of those things we see in the horizontal that are but symptoms of our rebellion against the Lord!  I'm speaking to Christians primarily.  It is time to repent!  We are overdue to repent!

There are no answers for the Church or America in the horizontal.  Our answers rest in Jesus Christ.

Mark Biteler

Prophetic Bulletin: Judgment to be Released Upon U.S. Water Supply

by JRP Ministry Staff on 07/22/20

The Vision:

In a vision, I saw the Lord viewing a map of the United States.  The lines of each state were clearly visible.  He said that He would begin releasing revelation to me as to the judgments that He would be releasing, state by state.

I then saw the Lord precisely measuring a liquid that would be released into our water supply.  I then saw people walking and desperate for water.  They were having to move to locations that had water.

The Interpretation:

In January 2014, the Lord released a dream and a vision to me concerning judgments He would release upon the United States on both land and water.  Since 1997, when I was first released into prophetic ministry, the Lord has demonstrated His interest to build upon that which He has revealed to me in the past.  This current vision fits the pattern of progressive revelation.

In testing a prophetic word, dream or vision, it is necessary to understand what the Bible has to say about it.  That is to say, “Does it fall within the framework of scripture.”  Some Christians do not believe that the Lord moves in judgment today, but the topic is covered extensively within the Old Testament and the New Testament.  I have written about the topic of judgment and its relevance to us today in articles that can be found here à The Certainty of Judgment for the United States on Both Land & Water  and here à Covid-19 Exposes a Virus in our Theology.

Leviticus 26 provides us with a framework to understand the phases of judgment.  In this chapter we can see five phases.  Phase 1 – vss 14-17; Phase 2 – vss 18-20; Phase 3 – vss 21-22; Phase 4 – vss 23-26; Phase 5 – vss 27-33.  Each phase brings greater severity to the judgment from the previous phase, marked by, “…then I will punish you seven times more for your sins”, which is repeated in verses 18, 21, 24 and 28.

Covid-19 was the beginning of judgment the Lord has released starting this year.  The Lord spoke to me saying, “You are in a new season”.  It is a Biblical plague as outlined in Lev 26:16 where He promises to send consumption (tuberculosis), which is similar to Covid-19 in a number of important ways.  The Lord also revealed that He was taking us from a time of relative peace to a time of war (please read A Man on a Red Horse – From Peace to War).  

The Holy Spirit is now emphasizing that judgment will come to America’s water supply.  This corresponds to that which is outlined in Phase 2 of the judgments of Lev 26.  In vs. 19, the Lord says, “And I will also break down your pride of power; I will also make your sky like iron and your earth like bronze.”  This is repeated in Deut 28:23 where the order is reversed, i.e. heaven as bronze and the earth as iron.  The references to the sky suggest the withholding of rain.  Coupled together with the fruitlessness of the ground indicate not only a judgment on water supplies but also food.  This is detailed in verses 17 (curses on food supply), 24 (rain becomes powder) and 48 (the Lord will send thirst) in this same chapter.  This will clearly be far greater in devastation than what Covid-19 has been and still is to America.

I would submit to the Body of Christ, that because of our pride and arrogance in refusing to repent in accordance to II Chronicles 7:14 for our wickedness, we will soon move into the second phase of judgment, which will be seven times more severe than what we are currently experiencing with Covid-19 and the riots in major cities (a link to my prophetic word concerning greater destruction coming to American cities is here à Judgment – Destruction for Major U.S. Cities & the Lord Rebukes Pastors) that continue to this day.

We observe in Exodus that the Lord moved swiftly, releasing the first plague by cutting off Egypt’s water supply by turning the water of the Nile, water reservoirs, rivers, streams or canals, as well as water in vessels of wood or stone to blood (Ex 7:14-21).  In our case, the Lord is prepared to poison our water!  It will not be the devil who destroys water supplies, it will be the Lord.  We must remember that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever (Heb 13:8).  This is true for His demonstrations of His power to heal the sick, cleanse the leper, raise the dead and save the lost and it is also true regarding His power which is released through judgment.  Judgments are a demonstration of His power and by them we will know the Lord.

The Lord speaks through the prophet Amos to Israel and Judah, “I withheld the rain from you while there were still three months until harvest.  Then I would send rain on one city and on another city I would not send rain…So two or three cities would stagger to another city to drink water…” (Amos 4:7-8).  The Lord tells Israel, “The Lord God has sworn by His holiness…” (Amos 4:2) that these and many other things would come to them.  He will demonstrate His holiness to us through His judgments if we will not turn back to the Living God.

We, the Church, have claimed for years II Chronicles 7:14 (NASB) which says, “and if My people who are called by My name humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, will forgive their sin and will heal their land.”  Our problem is not that we pray; our problem is that we refuse to repent of our sins.  In many cases we have sought out the sins, crimes and atrocities of past generations, but we have not repented of our own.  This has brought us to a time where we stand upon the precipice of devastation, catastrophe and calamity!

We have cried out for revival and the Lord has heard our prayers.  The problem is that the Lord, for whom the angels cry out, “Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God Almighty” (Rev 4:8), cannot pour out His Holy Spirit without judging His Church and washing us clean.  He can only pour out His revival upon good stewards, poor in spirit, who mourn for their sin (Matt 5:3-4).  They understand, at the heart level, that they are wretched, miserable, poor, blind and naked before the Lord (Rev 3:17).  Only these can stand in His holy place; those who have a clean hands and pure heart, who has not lifted their soul to falsehood, and have not sworn deceitfully (Ps 24:3-4).  In contrast, we are in the process of being vomited out of His mouth (Rev 3:16), unless we repent.

But we have eradicated the truth the Bible teaches that the Lord can, will and does move in judgment today.  Judgment is as much a part of the Lord as His love, gentleness, kindness and mercy.  If the Spirit of Jesus Christ did not move in judgment, then He would not be holy!  While readily believing II Chron 7:14, but we choose to disbelieve II Chron 7:13 which helps us understand who is doing what.  It is the Lord who is bringing judgment, and it couldn’t be clearer when the Lord says, “If I shut up the heavens so that there is no rain, or if I command the locust to devour the land, or if I send pestilence among My people.”  We choose to walk in denial of the only truth that can set us free and help us avert the Lord pouring out His wrath!  If we will simply turn and repent, seek His forgiveness and abide by His ways, we will see the mercy of the Lord and the lifting of Covid-19 and the return of peace to our land, but not until then.  Until the Church leads the nation in repentance, we will reap greater destruction than what we are currently experiencing.  It is a Biblical fact.

The Lion has roared!  Who will not fear?

Mark Biteler

Link to Video: Judgment to be Released upon U.S. Water Supply

by JRP Ministry Staff on 07/22/20

The Holy Spirit revealed to me the next phase of judgment that is set to be released.  This fits the second phase of judgment outlined in Leviticus 26 that will be far more dangerous than Covid-19 or the rioting in major cities that we have and are experiencing.

Please help me get this prophetic word out by sharing this video.  Here is the link to my video message:  Judgment to be Released Upon U.S. Water Supply

Mark Biteler

Responding to Dana Coverstone & Dutch Sheets

by JRP Ministry Staff on 07/18/20

I recently responded to Dana Coverstone's dreams that he shared on YouTube recently.  His video has go viral and I believe the Lord is using him to elevate what the Holy Spirit has been saying to the Church for some time.

The Lord began to reveal to me in 2013 and 2014 that He would bring bring judgment both to the Church and America.  My video response on our Joshua Revival Project YouTube channel is designed to help the Church vector in on the prophetic truth and is by far the most popular video I have released.  

The scripture is clear that we know in part and we prophecy in part (I Cor 13:9).  None of us have all the pieces, but together we can vector in on the truth by hearing what the Spirit is saying through His prophets and others in the Body of Christ that He is speaking to.  We must test what we are hearing.

I hope this video is of help.  We are in a new season where the Lord intends to release a tremendous amount of revelation to the Church.  It's time for us to hear what the Holy Spirit is saying.  Dangerous and perilous times are here and the only way to be protected is to stay in the glory of God, which simply means to stay close to Jesus.

Mark Biteler

Surviving & Thriving During the Lord's Judgment

by JRP Ministry Staff on 06/27/20

This article was originally released on January 10, 2014.  Rereading it, I find that it is very relevant to where we find ourselves today.  I hope you find it helpful.  These are very serious times and if we do not follow the Lord's direction but are determined to do our "own thing", we will find ourselves in dangerous, if not deadly, waters.

Mark’s Note:  The following dream and vision were released to me on the morning of January 2nd, 2014.  This revelation merits comment and interpretation which follow immediately.  To read another vision concerning judgment coming to the U.S. released on Oct. 7, 2013, please click hereà A Vision of Judgment for America

In a dream I was in a conference room with a group of people that appeared to be Christian leaders.  A report was being made by a woman who announced that the land was no longer producing food.  She concluded saying that it was devastating.  Finishing her report, another woman stood.  When she did, two symbols I had never seen before appeared before me.  Immediately the Spirit gave me their meaning:  The oceans will die.  I then saw a known leader of a global ministry seated at the table begin to pray.  A person then approached me where I was sitting and I heard the voice of the Lord that permeated my entire being say, “PRAY THAT HEAVEN INVADES EARTH!”  (Mt 6:10)  With that, I awoke and began to ponder the revelation of impending judgment that would be released on both land and water.

It was this command from the Spirit that answered my questions concerning the variety of visions the Lord had released to me since the fall of 1996.  More recently the Spirit has revealed His intention of moving not only in specific areas of America and in the Church, but in China, the Russian Federation, Europe, Israel, Turkey and northern Nigeria.  Until now, I have attempted to describe what I have seen and heard as a multi-dimensional move of the Holy Spirit around the world.  But that doesn’t communicate the power and the intensity of what the Spirit is about to do.  The Spirit coined the words, commanding me to pray, that Heaven will invade Earth!  This is what I am praying for.  This is what I believe the Lord is calling His Church to pray for.

Judgment Released Upon Land & Water

 The same morning, while meditating upon this dream I was given a vision of an angel with seven vials standing upon an ocean.  Each vial contained a manifestation of judgment that would begin to be released upon the Earth’s oceans, causing them to die (Lev 26:18, 21, 24, 28; Ex 7:17-25; Re 5:1-10, 8:8-11, Re 15).  I then saw another angel standing on land, again with seven vials, symbolic of seven types of judgment that would be released upon the land (Lev 26:18, 21, 24, 28; Ex 3:20; Re 6:8, Re 15).

Judgment Will Fall on California – Effects Felt on the  East Coast

I then saw the foot of the Lord (that covered multiple states) with His heel upon California and His foot pointing due east.  An earthquake resulted with its greatest power exerted in what appeared to be the San Francisco region.  The earthquake stretched across the entire U.S. from West to East.  The effects of the earthquake, or the news of the devastation, would be felt as far as the East coast.  At a minimum, the judgment that falls on the West coast will be a sign for those on the East coast.  It is a message for Americans everywhere to repent! (Ex 19:18; I Sa 14:15; Zec 14:3-4; Mt 27:51; 28:2; Ac 16:26; Re 6:12; 8:5; 11:13)

I then heard the Lord say, “Those that have resisted My Spirit, will see mighty demonstrations of My power” (Ex 3:19-22, Ch. 5; 7:3-5, 13-23; Chapters 8-12; 14:13-21; I Kg 18:36-39; Mt 27:54; Jn 20:28; Ac 9:1-19; Rev 11:3-13).  [Please note that the Lord has revealed His intention to bring judgment upon Church pastors and leaders who resist His Spirit as He moves to minister to His people in power.  For more information, please click hereà A Template of Revival in America, page 11]

The Time of Increased Revelation Has Come

I then heard the Spirit of the Lord say, “The speed at which revelation will be released has increased.  The time has come where both the amount of revelation and the frequency it is released will increase; much will be released to the Church.” (Joshua 1-6)

A Mighty Outpouring of the Spirit of God Falls on America

I then saw the United States and the inundation of the Holy Spirit falling from Heaven that was hundreds of miles thick.  In an instant, a flood of the Spirit of God will fall upon the entire United States (Joel 2:28-29; Ac 2:17-21, 38-39; 10:44-47).  In 2012, the Lord spoke to me saying, “That which I revealed that I will do at Regent University, I will do in America.”  (Note:  To read what the Lord revealed about Regent University and the Hampton Roads region of VA, please follow this link to our ministry websiteà A Template for Revival in America)

Since 1996, the Holy Spirit has been progressively revealing what He will do in the Hampton Roads region, the St. Louis region and now the San Francisco region.  Reviewing a map of the U.S., these three major cities essentially make a straight line across the nation.  The invasion of Heaven on Earth is not coming in just one direction to the United States, but in many.  This pattern is similar to the multiple plagues the Lord released when He judged Egypt, fighting for His people. 

Comments & Interpretation

The first thought one might have after reading this prophecy is, “How are we to survive?”  This might be the question, along with others related to it, for both the committed Christian, the true follower of Jesus, as well as the nominal Church member that has long lost their fire and possibly their faith.  I, for one, have been challenged by the Spirit to surrender my dream for a revival that does not require judgment to fall upon the nation I love.  There appears to be no other course to set toward an outpouring of the Holy Spirit than for judgment to come.

And yet, I can offer the Church of Jesus Christ real hope.  Our cry has been to see the lost convicted of sin and saved, the sick healed, the oppressed delivered from the grip of the enemy and the dead raised.  It is the Lord’s intention to bring about what only He can do—a restoration of 1st Century Christianity as set forth as normal in the New Testament.  We live in a period of abnormality in the Church.  The stark contrast of power demonstrated in what the New Testament declares as the normal Christian life is vastly different from what most Americans experience in their lives to say nothing of what they witness on Sunday morning. 

The presence of the Lord is coming with intensity to the United States, and to other nations, which very few of us have ever witnessed, let alone experienced.  His power and its effects will vary in results, but the intention is clear.  The Spirit will answer the Lord’s prayer—“Your kingdom come.  Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven” (Mt 6:10).  This is the mission.  The Bible demonstrates in Lk 5:6 and Jn 21:6 that the Holy Spirit knows how to move fish to a net.  Judgment is designed to motivate those that have demonstrated they will not be motivated in any other way.  It is always the Lord’s last resort, but He will not hesitate to wield judgment when He knows there is no alternative.  I would submit to you that the people of the United States and the Church are drifting further and further away from the Lord.  Dramatic corrective measures must now be taken.

Talking with Church leaders I’ve discerned a definite callousness in their tone when they’ve said, “Well, judgment must come.”  I’ve always found it amazing that these same leaders would not repent of their resistance to allow the Spirit to move in power in their Churches, embarrassed by the Holy Spirit and His gifts while being suspicious of those that minister in His power.  Now the Spirit proclaims that those who have resisted Him will not just see His power, but will see mighty demonstrations of His power.  The Holy Spirit is taking His proverbial gloves off.  He is no longer pleading.  He intends to invade both the Church and this nation.

Similar to Joseph’s interpretation of Pharaoh’s dream, the repetition of the above revelation in the form of a dream which was immediately followed by a vision of judgment leads me to believe that the matter is settled and that the Lord will bring it about quickly (Ge 41:32).  It is important to note that Joseph’s recommendations to Pharaoh included leaders being appointed to lead the nation through a multi-year famine.  Time and again the Lord has revealed to me His intention to promote leaders that will come from the background of His army (Mt 20:1-16; Lk 9:46-48).  The Bible is clear; the Lord gives grace to the humble but He resists the proud (Ja 4:6-7).

The Lord’s emerging leaders will take their place at the front of His army and will establish the battle line.  They will be skilled in following the prompting of the Holy Spirit and moving in His power.  By definition, they are wise in the Lord – they hear His voice and they are obedient.  These leaders honor the Holy Spirit and allow Him to flow through them.  Like a river, the Holy Spirit will flow out from their innermost being that will result in the enemy being defeated (Jn 7:38-39).  They follow the shield of the Holy Spirit into battle (Jos 3:3-4; Ps 68:7; Ac 1:4-5 & 8).  They understand that their identity is rooted in the fact that they are His.  They do not seek their will or the approval of man.  They are not called by man, but they are called by God.  They seek to please the Father, to see His will done on the Earth, and the Lord fights for them (Josh 1:1-9, 10:10-14; I S Ch. 3, 7:3-14, 17:21-58; Da 11:32; Jn 1:20-27; 5:19-47, 12:42-43 & 49).

Leviticus 26 illustrates how the Lord moves in phases of judgment.  Four times in this chapter, in verses 18, 21, 24, 28, the Lord states that if the previous set of plagues does not cause His people to turn and repent, He will judge their sins seven times more.  If the judgment set forth in this revelation is only the beginning of increasing judgment that He intends to bring upon America, then why would we choose to die and see even greater judgment fall on our nation?  The time to repent of our rebellion of not following the Holy Spirit or heeding His voice and turning from our sin and wickedness is NOW! (II Cor 6:2)  Repentance must begin in the Church.

What is the grievous sin of the Church?  We have resisted the Holy Spirit, the one sent by Jesus and proceeds from the Father (Jn 15:26), who is the leader of the Church on Earth!  We do not allow Him to move in power.  We do not allow Him to touch His people.  We do not permit His gifts to operate through His body to bless His flock.  We do not demonstrate His power, preaching the Gospel fully as both Jesus (Mt 10:7-8, 11:2-5; Jn 15:22-27; Ac 1:1) and Paul modeled (Ro 15:15-19; I Co 2:4-5, 4:20; I Th 1:5).  We have become a Church that relies upon words, forgetting Paul’s wisdom – “For the Kingdom of God does not consist in words, but in power.” (I Cor 4:20)  We have become a people that Paul warned Timothy about in II Tim 3:5 – “holding to a form of godliness, although they have denied its power; avoid such men as these.” 

Have we become Church and a nation that Paul would warn others to avoid?  I would submit that we have.  Furthermore, we have become a nation that knows neither the Scripture nor the power of God.

Time and again the Holy Spirit has declared by revelation His intention to confront Church leadership who resist His Spirit.  He will remove pastors and elders that resist the demonstration of the power of His Spirit to the Church in this hour.  They will be stripped of their authority and their responsibilities will be given to others (Is 3:12-15; Je 23:1-2; Ez 34:1-2,4,10-16; Mt 7:21-23, 23:13-15, 25:14-30; Lk 19:11-27).

His flock must be entrusted to leaders that follow the Spirit.  Perilous times demand that we stay close to the Lord, staying in step with Him.  The habit of Church leaders doing what they “think” they should do, moving in the sin of presumption, without relying on hearing from the Holy Spirit, will be nothing short of deadly in the perilous days ahead. (Nu 14:39-45; Jdg 21:25; Ps 19:13; Is 30:1; Je 10:21; Ja 4:13-17)

In this revelation, seven vials were held by the angel that stood upon the land and the other that stood upon the water.  The Bible uses the number seven to demonstrate completeness or totality, as demonstrated when the Lord completed His work of creation in seven days.1  The type of judgment that the Lord is bringing will be, in His view, complete.  If He intends to walk us through the phases illustrated in Leviticus 26, then this set of judgments is only the first phase if the Church and the nation do not turn toward Him.

Jesus prophesied that we would see famines, plagues and earthquakes (Lk 21:11).  Each vial contains a plague that will manifest differently in the land and the water.  At the time of this writing, I am aware of reports of the effects of the nuclear disaster in Japan that is now being detected in tuna and is affecting the Bering Sea, one of the richest fishing grounds in the world.  The radioactive water from that disaster is expected to reach the shores of the United States.  There are differing scientific opinions concerning the effects of the contamination on the United States.  If the effects are greater than what we witnessed during the Gulf oil disaster of 2010, I think we begin to understand the intensity of the plagues that the Lord intends to release.  Leviticus 26 becomes more than words written on a piece of paper.  It becomes very real and very grave.

The earthquake that began in California, approximately in the San Francisco area, with effects felt as far as the East Coast, reveals that the judgment that will begin in that area will be nationwide in scope.  References in Scripture that refer to earthquakes, quaking, etc., indicate the Lord manifesting His presence (Ex 19:17-25; Jud 5:4-5; Ps 68:7-8; Ez 38:19-20; Hab 3:10) to demonstrate His power.  Earthquakes indicate the Lord coming in wrath, entering into judgment upon a nation, including His people, because of sin and idolatry (Is 2:12-22; Je 4:23-26, 10:6-10 & 21; Ez 27:27-28, 38:18-23; Am 8:1-8; Na 1:5-7; Hab 3:3-10; Hag 2:5-9).  I believe that a manifestation of His presence by His judgment is coming to the San Francisco area.

The Holy Spirit speaks of a time or season of increased revelation.  Jesus said that man shall not live on bread alone but on every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God (Mt 4:4).  David proclaims that the Lord prepares a table before us in the presence of our enemies (Ps 23:5), which suggests an abundance of provision, i.e. revelation, that will sustain us in the midst of the Lord judging the Earth.  Moreover, the ministry of Moses and that of Joshua demonstrate that when the Lord is taking initiative, the frequency and amount of revelation increases.  He moves with precision and reveals to His leaders what He demands of them and His people as He moves them forward.  The Church has been praying decades for revival, little knowing the price and the change that the Lord would require.  I would submit that a period of great change has come.   Great change will be required, in and of, each of us.

Scriptural references to earthquakes are also indicative of the Lord fighting for His people (II S 22:8; Ps 18:4-7; Is 64:1-4).  The Bible also speaks of the Lord being a refuge, protecting His people during times of judgment (Is 54:10; Joel 3:16-17, Na 1:5-8) calling them to repentance (Joel 2:11-14).  Those who know the forgiveness of the Lord can testify that He is ready to relent of bringing destruction to a nation.  We see this in the ministry of Jonah, where the Lord relented of the judgment He had declared would fall upon Nineveh.  Again we see His willingness to forgive and restore those that turn from their wickedness in the parable of the prodigal son (Lk 15:10-32).  The Father is one who demands that we confess our iniquity and when we do, He will forgive (Is 1:18-20).  Again, Jesus taught us that, “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.  Blessed are those who mourn [of their sin], for they shall be comforted.” (Mt 5:3-4).

How sad it is that the Church, having prayed for revival at least as long as I have been a Christian, 33 years, stands in rebellion against the Holy Spirit who is the answer to their prayer!  It is the Spirit that brings life!

The vision suggests a progression—first judgment will come and then a mighty outpouring of the Holy Spirit.  The type of outpouring that I saw was of epic proportions.  This is in line with what the Lord has revealed to me in multiple visions since 1997.  The inundation the Holy Spirit revealed to me is in line with Nu 14:21 & Hab 2:14 NASB:  “For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea.”  Nothing in America, from sea to sea and from border to border, was left untouched by this outpouring.  This also stands under the scrutiny of Scripture in that the Earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof (Ps 24:1|| I Cor 10:26 ESV).  The enemy and the wicked are not entitled to one square inch of what belongs to the Lord.  In multiple encounters with the Holy Spirit, the Lord has repeatedly declared, “I am taking back that which is mine!”  There isn’t a nation on the face of the Earth that doesn’t belong to the Lord.

I declare to the readers of this revelation that the United States will see judgment if the Lord does not see nationwide repentance.  Those that stand in rebellion against the Lord and His Holy Spirit have much to fear.  For those that follow and align themselves with Him, those that will repent and turn to the Lord, He is an ever present help in time of trouble (Ps 46:1-3).  We have now entered a period where we must follow close and in step with the Holy Spirit.  He is our protection in times such as these.  He is our high tower and refuge.  There is no other. 

In Isaiah 3:10-11 (NASB95), the Lord says, “Say to the righteous that it will go well with them, for they will eat the fruit of their actions.  Woe to the wicked!  It will go badly with him, for what he deserves will be done to him.”

I submit to my brothers and sisters in Christ, the Lord’s will is that Heaven invade Earth.  Let us pray in accordance with His will.  He intends to invade our lives, taking us over so that we might do His perfect will.  He desires to accomplish His will in AND through us.  He has chosen to pour through His people (Ac Ch. 2).  Let us keep our lamps filled with the oil of His Holy Spirit. 

Mark C. Biteler

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