Revelation concerning the multi-dimensional move of the Spirit of God and what it means now and when the full measure of the outpouring comes. We are not waiting on God. He is waiting on us! It is time to align with Him.
Revival: A Spiritual Avalanche
Revival brings radical change in our lives so we can do the work of the ministry at a new level of authority. Why is it that we see so little power in the western Church? Answer: it operates at a very low level of authority. This message outlines what you can expect as you allow the Lord to do what He wants to in your life. It's time to say, "Yes!" to the next phase of our walk with the Lord.
Faithful Stewards Do Not Grieve the Holy Spirit
This message is a warning for Church leaders regarding the serious consequences of grieving the Holy Spirit and preventing Him from ministering to the flock of Jesus Christ. When we resist the move of the Spirit of God that keeps His people from being ministered to by the Holy Spirit, the Lord will strip us of our authority and give them to those that can be trusted to properly care for them. The only way to properly care for the Lord's people is to let the Holy Spirit in to our services, small groups and other gatherings. He is the Third Person of the Godhead! We dare not stand in His way!
Crossing Over
When we follow the Holy Spirit we can secure the promises of God. In this video from 2011, I share the testimony of seeing my father delivered from insanity that came as a result of idolatry. When we take our eyes off of Jesus and attempt to solve problems with our own rational capability without relying on Lord, we can slip into idolatry. It can have disastrous effects on us and those around us. But God is greater than all of our sin! Listen to how the Holy Spirit revealed the root problem and led us to victory and seeing my father restored by His power.
Revival 101 -- Foundational Concepts
This is the first 30 minutes of a service where I share revelation (within a scriptural context) from the Holy Spirit concerning how we can align ourselves with the Lord as He brings revival.
The Cost of Revival
Revival is serious business to the Lord and the cost is high. We need to understand the cost and what it means to us, our family and our church. Dramatic change is coming to the Body of Christ.
We Must Follow The Spirit!
What is the hope for the Church when it is a spiritual drought? The River of the Holy Spirit is THE answer! The Lord has humbled us to help us realize that we can do nothing apart from the Holy Spirit who He sent. When we humble ourselves and understand the depth of our spiritual poverty, then and only then will He hear our prayers and do what only He can do. We must repent from our rebellion of not following the Holy Spirit. We must be willing and make the decision to allow Him to do whatever He wants to do in us, so He can do whatever He wants to do through us. He wants His River to flow through us to a lost and dying world!
Secure An Epic Victory!
The Holy Spirit is calling forth leaders that will follow Him. He is The One that will secure epic victory for them and those they are called to lead.
The Battle Line
What is the most significant issue the Holy Spirit is confronting in the Church? The Lord is confronting Church leadership who are attempting to minister without His Spirit and therefore without the miraculous. Here, I share what the Bible says about the futility of operating without the Holy Spirit. Christianity is by definition supernatural!
The Holy Spirit Brings Joy & Restores Hope
The Holy Spirit opened a door at Community of Hope Church to minister during a mid-week service where He moved in great power. In this video people testify during the Sunday service as to what happened earlier in the week that provide a glimpse as to what the Lord will do as He lays the foundation for His outpouring.
Jeri's Testimony - Released in the Gift of Healing
You will enjoy this genuine and sincere testimony of how Jeri, in her 80's, experienced the infilling of the Holy Spirit and began to move in the gift of healing with the fire of God in her hands! We are never too old or too young to learn how to align and flow with the Holy Spirit as He demonstrates His power to a lost and dying world. Be blessed!
I provide a prophetic perspective regarding Pastor Coverstone's prophetic dreams and Dutch Sheets' point of view concerning those dreams. Judgment from the Lord is Biblical and the Church and America are in it.