The Lord’s Emerging Leaders - Originally Posted on November 23, 2013 : Aligning With the Holy Spirit for Revival
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The Lord’s Emerging Leaders - Originally Posted on November 23, 2013

by JRP Ministry Staff on 09/02/20

Note:  I am re-posting this from 2013 to refresh myself and hopefully help others understand what may be happening to them or others around them.  I can testify that I am a witness to the fulfillment of this prophetic word in this hour...and I rejoice in it!  It is the Lord!

Over the past 18 months the Holy Spirit revealed through a number of visions what He is doing and what He will do in establishing a new front-line of leaders in His army.

I saw the Lord in full armor calling His soldiers to attention. (Josh 5:13-15, Is 59:17) As He did, I saw those standing in front of Him snap to attention that He then addressed.

In another vision, I would see an army and from far back in the ranks I saw those The Lord was promoting. I could see a flame of fire in one that represented those who He was promoting – full of the fire of the Holy Spirit. As this soldier came forward he easily passed statues of people that were in the ranks. They were frozen and appeared as rock, unable to hear or to speak.

I then heard the voice of the Lord say, “Nothing will keep my new leaders from taking the position that I have given to them.” Nothing kept Joshua, Samuel, David, John the Baptist, Jesus, Peter or Paul from taking their place as leaders. It was the same then. It is the same today.

I then saw a new front line being established with those that He was calling forward. The Lord directed them to take their post in front of what I would call the current established leadership. They looked with disdain on those that had been ushered to the front line. They clearly were envious of the new leaders. Their facial expressions said it all, “Who do they think they are to take their position in front of us?!” By doing so they reveal their heart – that of King Saul, the Pharisees and the Sadducees. (I Sam 18:6-9, Acts 4:13-21)

I was then given a view of this new group of leaders. Standing in tight formation (which speaks to me of their understanding of relationship with one another) on the front line I saw the River of God coming out and flowing forward from them. They are leaders who know the Holy Spirit and how to flow with Him. These have the Spirit and heart of Joshua, Samuel and David. These are the leaders of our time who are anointed and are being promoted by the Holy Spirit that will take ground for the Kingdom of God. (Josh 1:1-9, I Sam 3, 7:3-14, II Sam 17:21-58)

They do not move in a detached intellectualism that they attempt to substitute for a genuine and vibrant faith. These are leaders whose hearts are on fire with the Holy Spirit and flow in His power. (Dan 11:32b, Is 59:21, I Cor 2:4-5)

These are leaders how know the voice of the Lord. They obey His leadings and His promptings, and because they do, they see the Lord fighting for them. (Mark 16:20)

Mark Biteler

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