Aligning With the Holy Spirit for Revival
Step #1, Then Step #2
by JRP Ministry Staff on 06/26/20
Video Overview of Judgments Coming to California
by JRP Ministry Staff on 06/24/20Please follow the link to this video - Judgment Coming to California
Judgment Coming to California
by JRP Ministry Staff on 06/23/20
On June 20, 2020 I released a prophetic vision concerning the Lord’s intention to bring judgment to Los Angeles, CA. In January 2014 I released a prophetic word where I wrote the following concerning San Francisco:
I saw the foot of the Lord (that covered multiple states) with His heel upon California and His foot pointing due east. An earthquake resulted with its greatest power exerted in what appeared to be the San Francisco region. The earthquake stretched across the entire U.S. from West to East. The effects of the earthquake, or the news of the devastation, would be felt as far as the East coast. [MCB1] At a minimum, the judgment that falls on the West coast will be a sign for those on the East coast. It is a message for Americans everywhere to repent! (Ex 19:18; I S 14:15; Zec 14:3-4; Mt 27:51, 28:2; Ac 16:26; Re 6:12; 8:5; 11:13)
Tonight, the Lord repeated His intention to bring judgment upon Los Angeles and San Francisco. The sin of California has come up before the Lord. His judgment will come through an earthquake off the coast bringing a mighty tidal wave of judgment. This will be far greater in intensity in comparison to the two other recent judgments that He has already released against America in the form of Covid-19 and racial turmoil. He intends to bring His judgment to all of California, from the north to the south. No part of the state will be unaffected. He is coming in great wrath and vengeance.I then heard the Lord say, “Those that have resisted My Spirit, will see mighty demonstrations of My power” (Ex 3:19-22, Ch. 5; 7:3-5, 13-23; Chapters 8-12; 14:13-21; I Kg 18:36-39; Mt 27:54; Jn 20:28; Ac 9:1-19; Rev 11:3-13). [Please note that the Lord has revealed His intention to bring judgment upon Church pastors and leaders who resist His Spirit as He moves to minister to His people in power.]
He will root out the sin of the wicked of California like a person turning over every rock to find a snake. Californians, you are being warned; if you do not turn and repent of your wickedness, great judgment is coming from the Lord. The Lord has tried to reach you, but you have refused His voice. Time and again, the Lord reached out His hand to you, but you refused to listen. Now, He will bring judgment unless you will turn! There is still time!
I then asked the Lord, “What should I pray?!” The Lord replied, “Nothing! Only lament.”
Mark Biteler
Judgment Coming to Los Angeles, CA
by JRP Ministry Staff on 06/20/20
In a vision this morning, I was following the Lord as He walked to a column of military vehicles including tanks and trucks. He then walked to the head of the column. He then pointed to an area where the vehicles were to be stationed and would begin their assault.
He then pointed to a city that was to be attacked. He said, "I will bring My judgment against this city because they have not responded to Me." I asked, "What city is it, Lord?" He then revealed the letters -- L.A.
The Lord has been saying that He would bring His judgments upon the major metropolitan cities, moving from west to east. Years ago, He revealed that He would place His heal upon San Francisco - the judgment there will be very severe.
We are now seeing judgment released upon Seattle and Portland. We will see the Lord move in great judgment through our land, because neither the country nor the American Church will not repent of sin against the Holy Spirit. Leaders of the Church refuse to tell the truth to the flock that judgment has been released, therefore, more is coming.
We are experiencing overlapping judgments. First the plague of Covid-19, second, war in the form of racial violence. The coming destruction of other major metropolitan cities will cause many to say, "It looks as if there has been a war here."
It is time for the Church to turn and lead America in repentance. Why will you die, America?!
Mark Biteler
I Am Getting Ready to Roar
by JRP Ministry Staff on 06/20/20
Received this word on Tuesday, June 9, 2020 in two pieces. I wrote it down and felt that today was the day to release it:
I saw a lion’s mane – I was very close to the mane.
“I am the Lion of the Tribe of Judah and I am getting ready to roar.”
There is darkness coming. I am calling my people to stand. Stand. I say it again, STAND! Proclaim what I give you. Focus on me. Great darkness is coming and you need to focus on me. I say it again: Focus on me.
Later: Tongue and interpretation
Have I not told you I am getting ready to roar? I am getting ready to roar.
I am getting ready to roar and I am getting ready to roll – as the waves roll in – in the hurricane and the storm surge is often the worst part – I am getting ready to roll and I am getting ready to surge.
There is a great coming in of my power, a great coming in of my glory, a great coming in of my wrath – I am coming in and I am washing clean – as the storm surge comes and disrupts. As a storm surge comes and uproots – as a storm surge comes and invades. It discombobulates everything – that is the season you are getting ready to go into – things are going to be discombobulated, things are going to seem crazy and you need to focus on me. Stay alert and focus on me. FOCUS ON ME!
Yes I told you – I told you – I told you on that day – that I could change the landscape in an instant and yes, I will change the landscape in an instant. I will uproot. I will dislodge, I will remove the things from high places – I will remove the despots, I will remove. I will uproot and I will remove.
I am coming in like a mighty rushing wind. Many have prayed that I would do it again but they do not know for what they are asking.
I hear the following words: Dislodge. Uproot. Change the landscape in an instant.
April D. Turner
Seattle is Our Fort Sumter
by JRP Ministry Staff on 06/17/20Seattle is our Fort Sumter. The Communist Left has declared war. This is civil war and unless it is treated as such it will spread. Give the devil an inch and he will take the city, the state and then the nation. We are at war.
Judgment Falls on the Guilty, Not the Ignorant
by JRP Ministry Staff on 06/13/20There are a few times when I have shared with those in ministry what the Lord has been saying about judgment coming to the Church, including Church leaders, that they respond with, "What about those who just don't know any better? They may only be following others or what they have been taught. What about the pastor of the small church in the country who is doing all he or she can with the limited resources they have? Will the Lord bring judgment to them as well?
Judgment – Destruction for Major U.S. Cities & the Lord Rebukes Pastors
by JRP Ministry Staff on 06/11/20
China will be a Nation of Peace
by JRP Ministry Staff on 06/11/20
Judgment #2: A Man on a Red Horse – From Peace to War
by JRP Ministry Staff on 06/10/20
Due to illness, I have not been able to share the following prophetic vision until now.
In a vision from the Lord in the presence of a witness, the evening of May 23, 2020 (two days before George Floyd died), I saw a rider on a horse. The image is found in Zachariah 1:8 of a man sitting on a red horse. He reported that he had patrolled the earth and it was peaceful and quiet (vs 11). I then saw the rider move forward a short distance and then turned and doubled back in front of me. The Spirit made it clear that the horse and rider were moving from one season to another.
There is another man riding a red horse described in Revelation 6:3-4. In this instance, the seals are being broken by the Lamb of God, Jesus Christ. The rider was given the power to take peace from the earth and to bring war between men (Rev 6:4). This represents the second season that we, America, are now in.
The Lord was saying that we have moved from a time of relative peace to that of war. We have been in a state of war since the death of George Floyd, resulting in pointless injuries, death, violence, and destruction. The violence and war in the cities we have witnessed across America is judgment released from the Lord.
I have consistently preached that if Church leaders did not preach the truth that the Church and America were in judgment, leading in the repentance the Lord demands, that more judgment would be released – and so it has.
As quickly as Covid-19 circumvented the earth, the judgment of war in the form of violent protests that included injuries, death and destruction swept America. By June 1, 2020, approximately 40 cities imposed a curfew across the United States, with at least 15 states activating the National Guard.
More judgment is coming. I will release additional prophetic insights as I am able. The Lord is moving at an accelerated pace. I’m having a hard time keeping up with how fast He is moving.
How long will Church leaders deny that judgment has been released from the Lord?! How long will they refuse to lead the flock of Jesus Christ in repentance for not listening to the voice of the Holy Spirit?! The Church and its leaders are in denial and rebellion against the Lord and because of it, more judgment is coming, America!
Repent before you fall into the hands of the Lord who is bent on releasing His wrath on this country, His leaders, and His Church!
Mark Biteler